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possessing great depths, head covered with a silvery crown of thick white hair hanging loose to the shoulders, deep sonorous voice, all conspired to make her personality very unique and unworldly. Her attire was simple, consisting of a long apron extending below the knees, a pajama narrowed round the legs, and a linen scarf thrown carelessly round the shoulders. She always went about bare-headed; the luxuriant crop of white hair—never oiled or groomed—was for all practical purposes a headdress in itself.
Numerous miracles are attributed to Hazrat Babajan. However, some of her characteristic habits (Khirque-adat) need mention here. Babajan slept very little, and the apparent bodily relaxation of Perfect Saints is nothing like what human beings enjoy as sleep. Irregular scanty meals and frequent potions of Indian tea would surely have shattered any robust constitution, but Babajan, in spite of her age, felt no adverse effects therefrom. One day she would feel out of sorts, at times even high fever, and the next day would be her usual self without recourse to a medication. She used to address everyone, young and old, male or female, as Bacha or Baba (child or baby). And if anybody accosted her as Mai (mother) she would flare up and say “I am a man and not a woman"—thereby confirming one of the sayings of Prophet Mohamed, meaning "Lovers of God are males; lovers of paradise are eunuchs; and lovers of the world are females."
Her method of healing was quite unique and entertaining. When any-one approached her for a cure she would say, "The child is being tormented by goliyan" (small round pellets), meaning thereby the effect of Amal or Sanskaras—here, wrong actions. To the amusement of those around, she would hold between her fingers the painful or diseased part of the person concerned, and calling upon some imaginary being, she would give two or three jerks to the affected part, simultaneously ordering the troublesome entity to quit. Surprisingly enough, this funny operation would impart instantaneous relief, and the party concerned would depart smiling.
Babajan's love and charity towards humanity was supremely Divine in expression; it could not but reclaim a most confirmed sinner and subdue the cruelest of minds. People would remove articles of clothing and other presentations to Babajan without her permission, and her seat being open to the road, some would even dare to steal, feeling convinced she would not protest. Once a man tried to steal a costly shawl covering her body as she slept, but he found its removal rather risky, as some portion of it was held underneath her body. Babajan instinctively raised herself a little,
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