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muscles are not an important part of the body. Both types of exercise are important for securing the general health of the body, although it may not be possible to take to both of them at one and the same time, and while performing the exercise for one part of the body there need be no undue anxiety about the other.


The functions of the different specialized forms of exercise have, however, to be correlated and governed in the light of our knowledge of true health or proportionate development of the body; and in the same way, the functions of the specialized forms of meditation have to be correlated and governed by the whole and complete ideal of life, which the aspirant constructs through the process of general meditation or unrestrained thought, which knows no law except that of finding the Truth in all its aspects. Just as specialized forms of meditation cannot be replaced by general meditation, general meditation cannot be replaced by specialized meditation. Both are necessary and have their own value.


For enumerative purposes, the different specialized forms of meditation can be conveniently classified on the basis of those segments of experience which the mind tries to understand. Human experience, in all its variety, is throughout characterized by the dual aspects of subject and object. Some forms of meditation are concerned with the objects of experience; some forms of meditation are concerned with the subject of experience; and some forms of meditation are concerned with the mental operations which are involved in the interaction of the subject and the object. Thus we get three kinds of meditation.


All the forms of meditation which the aspirant (sadhak) might adopt ultimately culminate in the goal of all meditation, which is to get established in Sahaj Samadhi or Spontaneous Meditation of the spiritually perfected soul. The Sahaj Samadhi has two forms: (i) Nirvana or Absorption; and (ii) Nirwakalpa Samadhi or Divinity in Expression.


The general classification of the types of meditation has been given in the form of a table, which serves the purpose of summarizing the results of this article. Out of the different kinds of meditation which are mentioned in this table of general classification, the varied forms of "meditation," which are resorted to before the stage of sadhaka, (A) have been already illustrated in the beginning of this article; different forms of General Meditation (B-i), of Specialized Meditation (B-ii), along with their subdivisions, and Sahaj Samadhi (C) and its forms will be explained in Part Two.


                                                                                    To be continued Volume 8 No.2 page 14




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