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Therefore, Pretense, Worry, Discontent and Self-seeking—these are the things we may let go.


Now, what are the things in life that are worthwhile . . . that we should lay hold of, keep, guard, use?


The answer to that, according to Baba's spiritual alphabet, is Love and Faith. Love is the keyboard. Let us place the four letters in it one above the other and read against each:


L .................... Life’s
O .....................Own
V .....................Very
E...................... Existence


and then, we shall get a true glimpse of its nature. Baba asks us above all to give Him our love. We should give God our love, not only because He is our real Self, but also because love is the miracle of miracles in itself and works wonders. And because Baba loves us, more than we love Him or can ever love Him.


But, how can we have Love, unless we have Faith in its magic potency? Faith is that something to live by. Faith opens the gate of the blessedness of the eternal life. Strong, serene, unquenchable faith in the loving kindness of Baba, the guidance of His Divine presence, the wisdom of His perfection, will enable us to win the battle of life and to look fearlessly toward the end of the temporal existence and the beginning of the Eternal, and will make it possible for us to live our lives grandly, effectively.


Letting go the unworthy things that meet us . . . Pretense . . . Worry . . . Discontent and Self-seeking . . . and taking loyal hold of Love and Faith, let us so live our lives as to be an inspiration and strength and blessing to those whose lives are touched by ours. And let us radiate love and let us serve to be perfect. Let our service become as serene and perfect as the full moon reflecting the sun of Meher Baba to all around us. His loving kindness and service are before us, to remind us of our duty to Him our Master, who is Perfect, and our quest to be perfect in our love for Him.




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