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"After all, a person like Meher Baba is not out to make converts. He has said that he does not love any particular religion. Like Christ he has said 'I am for all religions. Come unto Me.' Unlike any other prophet or spiritual person, He says, 'Come to Me for My message, so that you can become better.' It is in this way that Meher Baba is amongst us to improve this very difficult world. According to Him, unless this world becomes a world of love and peace, there is no future for it. Meher Baba's entire message is one of Love. He wants you to love one another and He wants you to love Him. He loves you and love should pervade the whole universe. It is people of this type, one in a million, who come to us and it is for us who are here to take advantage of their being with us. Of course, the message that they leave behind never perishes. As Meher Baba says, 'Even when I pass off, I shall be there amongst you.'


"It is these persons, their teachings, their message, the good that they do to the world, which is there forever and ever, and it is for us who wish to benefit, to take advantage of them."


M. Hidayatullah, Justice of the Supreme Court



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"If Baba is all-knowing and powerful, as acclaimed by His lovers, what need is there for them to establish a Center, and propagate His Message? Can they not keep their love confined to their heart and His Message to their head? This is true, in a way. Baba needs no one to look after His Real Work. His life and love is self-evident and convincing. One who aspires to be benefited receives His love through His Will, or draws it through love for Him. And the one who has no aptitude or concern, Baba has the power to reach with His Love. What need is there then for anyone to strive and do something which he calls 'work'?


"A mother loves her child and can teach it everything she knows; but Baba has the whole family of human beings to look after. This may sound fantastic, but it is true. The water from a reservoir cannot flow to every nook and corner of town until the mains and pipes are laid and the required flow channeled and directed. . . . Doing Baba-work can be compared to the need for such 'channeling' . . . Work can be done in many ways; and to create a place called a 'Center' which gives people a chance to come together, sing, pray, and discuss, is one of the ways of doing Baba-work collectively.


"Everyone works in his or her own way. Some work comes to the view of others; other work may remain ever concealed, known only to the doer




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