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have a blending, or a balance, of the head and the heart. That means Divine Wisdom and Love. His presence is to restore harmony and order, bringing the oneness of unity in diversity. Meher Baba says: "I have come not to teach but to awaken." His work is to soften the intent of the ego, which is indeed indispensable.


Our true love and unselfish service for Him by self-induced and self-devised efforts will aid the blending of our hearts and minds that we may dive deep into that Ocean of Love.


Baba's work is to usher in the new Aquarian Age, and the new brotherhood on earth shall be a fulfilled fact, for it is the order of the new dispensation and nations will be united in the fraternity of Love, in Baba's own time.


The edifice we will erect here shall be the Avatar Meher Baba Poona Center. Let us dedicate our loving hearts to true service and make this a dwelling place of the living God. Here we will sing our love and praise to our beloved Meher Baba, Who IS the living Lord of Creation, Father of us all. Baba is all Love, therefore He dwells in our hearts. To love Him is to serve Him. In His service is perfect freedom.


Jesus the Christ said "Where two or three are gathered together, in My Name, there am I in the midst of them." To suffering humanity Baba says: “Have hope! I have come to help you in surrendering yourselves to the cause of God and in accepting His Grace of Love, and Truth. I have come to help you in winning the one victory of all victories — to win yourself."


Baba loves YOU! May Baba's Love bless us all!








By Wing Commander M. M. Sakhare


Avatar Meher Baba's work of spreading His name and His message of love to the millions visiting the 1961-1962 Indian Industries Fair, Delhi, was a unique one. In that environment of pompous pavilions of all shapes and sizes, exhibiting all sorts of mechanical gadgets and curious contraptions, the small but beautiful stall displaying Baba's books and brochures was singularly outstanding. It was centrally situated on an elevated open




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