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Supreme Being, reject the idea that man can have what we might call direct knowledge of Him. In other words they oppose the principle that man can become God or that God can become man.
In everything there is a starting point, so why should man be an exception to the universal rule? We cannot get something from nothing; without creation we would be unaware of God. Eckhardt knew this when he stated: "God is at the centre of man." The Bhagavad Gita nexpounds the same truth: The Lord abideth in the hearts of all beings." The Koran asks: "And He is within you, why do you not see Him?"
Man must have within him the creative force which created him in the first place. One might say that God is latently conscious in nature and becomes fully conscious of Himself in man's highest state of consciousness which is divine. The great Masters of the past were believed by their followers to be God incarnate, and the modern Masters are also believed to be Godmen.
A God-realized or Perfect Man is different from other men, as all who become his disciples can testify, for he has the Universal Mind which knows all the secrets of the universe. For him all points of the compass are the same, all distances are equal, it matters not whether a person be near him or thousands of miles away. He can work on all the different planes of consciousness at one and the same time. He is simultaneously present in the mental, subtle and physical spheres of existence. Needless to say this expanded state of awareness is incomprehensible to all who do not share it; and that is why the works and ways of the Masters cannot be understood even by their closest circles. But the disciples know that a Master has All Wisdom, and Divine Love. Such men do not teach in the ordinary sense of the word, it is their divine influence which radiates.
Because the concept of the God-incarnate state is quite unacceptable to the West, due to our Christian upbringing, it is difficult for Western scholars to grasp the esoteric meanings in the Bible, unless they are well acquainted with Hindu beliefs. Even so great a mind as Albert Schweitzer’s believes that no mind can comprehend the universe. Nevertheless modern physics is inclining thinkers more and more to the concept that a Great Mind, a Supreme Architect is behind the Cosmos, and some suggest that the Creator seems in some manner, to have a mind that resembles the finite mind. We
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