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"Remember about keeping time. In the beyond state time and space are nil—non-existent. In the sphere of duality, time, space, cause, effect exist. So when I work in the sphere of duality for the upliftment of humanity, I am bound superficially by time and space; so I too, appear limited at times, but in reality I continually experience Oneness and the Infinite State of the beyond. I work at fixed times for my circle* but for the universe no time is fixed. So, when I ask you to abide by time it means you have the benefit of my working for the circle. Always I give the mandali a fixed time to do certain things"
Christmas evening, after our meal with Christmas surprises for Baba which he then distributed among us, he said:
"My love flows eternally to all humanity but at this particular moment we will remember those of the group who are physically absent." A few moments silence—then Baba continued:
"I am continually crucified and I am continually taking birth."
Later Baba told us: "After the 15th I will be explaining many things which Kitty should take down in shorthand for Nonny to type and give to Garrett. Garrett and Malcolm are going to edit a magazine, it will be unique. Now today no talk.
Notice posted up for all to note and abide by:
• Breakfast 8:00 A.M.; Luncheon 12:00 M; Tea 4:00 P.M.; Dinner 7:00 P.M.
• No one should sit in the sun between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M.
• Till 25th February, none of the Wesern devotees to walk beyond the property boundaries.
• None of the Western devotees to converse with visitors unless ordered by Baba.
• None of the Western devotees to receive or to invite guests for meals or to stay overnight, unless ordered by Baba.
• No one to enter the kitchen.
• Complaints to be referred to N.
• For individual errands in Nasik or Bombay, refer to office.
• Access to store-room can be at any time during the day—call for key at office.
• No one is allowed to use the cars without informing the office.
* See Awakener. Vol. 3, No. 1.
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