an hour. They spread a carpet — I thought for Baba—but no, it was for us to sit on. Then they set up a chair for Him with cushions. Finally He came in the car, which was driven almost up to the chair. He was assisted to His seat by some of the Mandali. Nothing much was said and then we all sang His arti. He got back in His car and drove slowly — ever so slowly — away. The car hardly moved and naturally, we all crowded around. We were packed like sardines, and the Mandali in the car kept saying, "Lookout for your legs.". . .Then some one tapped me on the shoulder and I saw a wide path open in front of me and a voice said in my ear, "Don't you want to get in front?" I shot up the path just in time to see Baba extend His hand from the front seat towards the back window where the path ended. Some Indians were reaching in to touch His hand; I did too and barely made it. All the while Baba didn 't look around. It was rather an eerie experience, because Baba seemed so impersonal, and the path had opened up so suddenly. A lot of Indians had stood aside to make the path, they are so nice, really."
In a few days, Baba's great East-West flock of lovers had flown home to every quarter of the globe, all hoping, like the lucky swallows, to return someday to the porch of Guruprasad and the feet of the Divine Beloved. Meanwhile each of us would try, as dear Mehera admonished me in parting, to "carry that love Baba has given you wherever you go, and share it with others."
Twenty-One Points Given by Meher Baba
November, 1962
God is absolutely independent. The only way to approach Him is through love, constant repetition of His Name, and invocation of His Mercy.
- Mercy is God's nature (swabhav).
- Bliss is God's original state (assal halat).
- Power is God’s existence (astitva).
- Knowledge is God's duty (kartavya).
- The infinite state of God gets lost in the infinite jumble of infinite contradictions.
- To know God in His infinite contradictions is to become conscious of His consciousness of His unconsciousness.
- To achieve the God-state, do absolutely nothing while doing everything.
- To find God you must find yourself lost to yourself.
- To be infinitely conscious, you must consciously lose consciousness of yourself.
- Space is the gulf between Imagination and Reality. Evolution of consciousness fills this gulf.
- Time is the interval between your very-first imagination and your very-last imagination.
- Where imagination ends God is and Godhood begins.
- Imagination is an eternal mimicry of Reality effecting the shadow-play of Illusion.
- God is not anything comprehensible. He is Reality — Consciousness — Absolute Consciousness — Infinite Consciousness.
- Realization of God is absolute Consciousnes minus consciousness of Imagination. Godhood is Absolute Consciousness plus consciousness of Imagination being imagination.
- To be ever present with God, never be absent from Him.
- Do not desire union with God; but long for union till you go beyond longing for union, and long only for the will and pleasure of Beloved God.
- “Mind may die. Maya may die. Body dies and dies. But hope and thirst never die. Thus has said the slave Kabir."
- Complete forgetfulness of self is to even forget that you have forgotten.
- Complete remembrance of God, honesty in action, making no one unhappy, being the cause of happiness in others, and no submission to low, selfish, lustful desires, while living a normal worldly life — can lead one to the path of Realization. But complete obedience to the God-Man brings one directly to God.