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shadow of Real Bliss has absolutely no value. When once one experiences that Bliss, one would not want to leave it and come back to this worldly consciousness, even as a Perfect Master!"
At 3:00 P.M. Baba asked a singer, Mr. M. Y. Mohan "Saigal," who had come from Bombay specially for this occasion, to sing a bhajan. After one bhajan he began to sing some ghazals. His voice is very melodious and reminded everyone of the great singer, the late Saigal. Baba was immensely pleased with his singing and as a token of appreciation, he gave him his handkerchief after the program was over.
Baba would often interpret what the singer was singing, for the benefit of those who could not follow the language. The following are some of the explanations given by Baba:―
"On the Spiritual Path there comes a stage when the Beloved [Master] asks the lover to continue to live and not think of dying. And, when the lover struggles to live he is asked by his Beloved [Master] to be ready to die! But in the end the lover becomes one with God in Love. He gets drowned in Love. May God help the man in whom the fire of Divine Love is blazing intensely. Apparently, his life is a misery. He loses everything, including himself, in the end. But then the easiest way for all is to hold on to my Daaman till the end.
"How indifferent and independent God is, although He Himself is everyone and everything. The more you love Him the more He turns His face away from you. But if you persist, you compel Him to turn His face to you.
"God is closer to you than your breath, and yet He is so far away.
"The lover says, 'To gain You, is to lose myself.'
"What is love? What is the effect of love? Your making me helpless and my becoming helpless."
Baba said, "My continuous experience is that I am in everyone and am everything. This is not said as a result of my having understood this Truth by the mind, but it is the actual experience of my being that. This experience is the height of all experiences. This state of mine cannot be understood with the help of the mind."
While the singing program was going on, an old man with hemiplegia was brought to Baba. Baba told him that if he lived till Baba broke his
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