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find Beloved Baba as a mere statue or idol in Mehersthan.


Lovers of Baba should make Mehersthan the House of True Worship by expressions of their pure love for Him, and they should believe that in it is housed the very Presence of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba, and not His idol or statue.


The answer in a nutshell to your third query is that you should believe in the very Presence of Beloved Baba at Mehersthan, and drive away all thoughts of replacing Baba's presence with the installation of an idol of Baba "sanctified" by Vedic rites. The bronze statue of Beloved Baba can be of help to perpetuate Baba's presence in Mehersthan for posterity.


(4) Your fourth query is: That after the installation, what should be the daily regular conduct of worship?


In answer to this I must say that this question will never arise if all lovers of Baba enter Mehersthan with the belief that Baba Himself is in it. Your conduct should be as it is when you are in the Presence of your Beloved Baba at Ahmednagar or Poona.


Any lover of Baba who enters Mehersthan is himself the pujari* of Baba: every lover should have full freedom of expression of love for Baba according to the dictates of his or her heart. Anyone should have free access to Baba in Mehersthan and be allowed full freedom of expression of love for Baba without any reservations of caste, creed or race. There can be no better form of worship in Mehersthan than repeating Baba's name and singing His Praise; and those who cannot sing can read, recall and repeat Baba's Messages and Discourses, can recite "The Master's Prayer" of Parvardigar, and the "Prayer of Repentance"; can read aloud the Messages of the "Highest of the High" and "Meher Baba's Call”; can listen to bhajans on Baba, and above all, spend most of the time sitting quietly in Baba 's presence, recalling the incidents and happenings of all the Sahavases and the recent East-West Gathering.


In short, there should be no restrictions whatsoever for the conduct of worship in Mehersthan, and love for God should have full scope of expression without any reservation of high or low, rich or poor. The precious Eight Messages given by Beloved Baba for the occasion of the opening of Mehersthan are by themselves the code of true worship. Nothing that is






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