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experience that state, is that when the false self is lost, the Real Self is found; that the birth of the Real can only follow the death of the false; and that dying to ourselves . . . the true death which ends all dying . . . is the only way to perpetual life. This means that when the mind with its satellites . . . desires, cravings longings is completely consumed by the fire of Divine Love, then the infinite, indestructible, indivisible, eternal Self is manifested. This is Man-o-nash, the annihilation of the false, limited, miserable, ignorant, destructible ‘I', to be replaced by the real ‘I'; the eternal possessor of Infinite Knowledge, Love, Power, Peace, Bliss and Glory, in its unchangeable existence. Man-o-nash is bound to result in this glorious state in which plurality goes and Unity comes, ignorance goes and Knowledge comes, binding goes and Freedom comes. We are all permanently lodged in this shoreless Ocean of Infinite Knowledge and yet are infinitely ignorant of it until the mind . . . which is the source of this ignorance . . . vanishes for ever; for ignorance ceases to exist when the mind ceases to exist.
Unless and until ignorance is removed and Knowledge is gained . . . the Knowledge whereby the Divine Life is experienced and lived . . . everything pertaining to the Spiritual seems paradoxical.
God, whom we do not see, we say is real; and the world, which we do see, we say is false. In experience, what exists for us does not really exist, and what does not exist for us, really exists.
We must- lose ourselves in order to find ourselves: Thus loss itself is gain. We must-die to self to live in God: Thus death means Life.
We must become completely void inside to be completely possessed by God: Thus complete emptiness means absolute Fullness.
We must become naked of selfhood by possessing nothing, so as to be absorbed in the infinity of God; Thus nothing means Everything.
For these last four months according to ordinary human standards, and by ways and means known to me, I have tried my utmost for the achievement of Man-o-Nash, and I can say in all truth that I feel satisfied with the work done. This satisfaction is due to the feeling I have, of having regained my Old life Meher Baba state . . . yet retaining my New-life ordinary state. I have regained the Knowledge, Strength and Greatness that I had in the Old Life, and retained the ignorance, weakness and humility of the New Life. This union of the old and new life states has given birth to LIFE; that is eternally old and new.
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