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on! An English devotee of Baba, who had made the arrangements, did not give Baba any of these amenities, as he thought that Baba did not feel the cold as he was God! Baba said the nights were bitterly cold and he had only a sheet to cover himself with. Once his English lovers thought of taking a film of Baba in the morning. All had woolen coats and gloves on, while Baba had only his sadra on, in that bitter cold. And, to crown it all, he had to keep smiling so that his lovers would not feel that he was suffering due to the cold. He could not even cough or sneeze, as God cannot possibly get a cold! He was given only a slice of bread and butter, while the Mandali were given solid meals, as his English lovers then thought that God does not need food! Later Baba told them that when God descends in human form he has all the limitations of the human form. If he were a Mast he would not have felt the cold.
At 10:30 A.M. Baba asked one lover to sing his Arti in Bengali after which all were asked to disperse, except the Mandali and a few others. We collected in the side room and began to play "La Risque." Just then a man who had had paralysis of his left leg and arm for six years, came for Baba's darshan. He told Baba he had taken treatment of all sorts, yet he was unable to move his paralyzed limbs well. He had developed contractures. Baba asked him to repeat his name with full faith and love, and do exercises every day unassisted. If he did this, Baba said, he would be absolutely all right in six months.
After lunch there was no special program. Baba played "La Risque" with us and some of the lovers told amusing stories. At 3:30 P.M. Baba left us.
May 26th:— I arrived at 7:20 A.M. Baba said that he had been with the Mandali since 6:30 A.M. He again told the lover who had lost faith in Baba and thought him a hoax, "Judas grew up with Christ and yet betrayed him in the end. Peter, who was the apostle of Christ, also denied Jesus; so why worry if you get such thoughts about me? Stick to me and do not leave my daaman till at least the 1st of January. Do not go to any Saint. Come here daily for fifteen days and your mind will be free of all such thoughts."
A famous neuro-surgeon of Bombay came to see Baba. Baba had him lifted up the steps on a chair as he had recently developed heart trouble. Soon after his arrival, Baba came into the main hall and a lover sang Indian classical music for about twenty minutes. After him, Mr. M. Y. Mohan of
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