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remains no solution.' I become intimate with my Mandali but the latitude I give you should not be taken advantage of. If you make a mistake acknowledge it; do not go on arguing."
Baba then started off with a discourse. He said, "There are seven stations during the process of Evolution. After one has crossed these, one gets complete consciousness in the human form. But unfortunately with the consciousness one has also gathered impressions (sanskaras). One has to shed these during the Involution process which also has seven stations. As soon as all sanskaras are removed, one experiences that one is God. To reach the first station in the Evolution process it takes many, many ages. To reach the second requires less time, the third still less and so on. Similarly to reach the first station in the Involution process it takes many, many ages, while the other stations are reached quicker.
"Hafiz says that once one reaches the first plane of consciousness one is likely to tarry there for a long time. Hafiz continues that the man on the first plane is compared to a man in a caravan. Everyone rests during the night, but early in the morning the leader of the caravan rings his bell so that all may get ready to move on. Similarly, a man on the first plane is likely to tarry and so the Perfect Master has to remind him to keep moving. Hafiz says that the aspirant complains that he reached the first plane after ages of Evolution, and as soon as he reached it, his Master rang the Bell so that he may not tarry there for long. Hafiz also says that on the third plane one should not hurry to leave because it is a zigzag path ahead and there is the likelihood of one's falling from the fourth plane. Hafiz says to the aspirant, 'Why are you in a hurry to reach the threshold of the Abode of God (fourth plane)?' On this plane there is a treasure-house of all Powers. Hafiz says that once the Threshold is reached one should cross it quickly, as one may fall from the sublime heavens to the depths. Once you are on the fifth plane, there is no possibility of a fall."
Baba continued, "On the sixth plane the aspirant sees God everywhere and so there is no question of hurrying or tarrying. This seeing comes all of a sudden. Hafiz says that the aspirant on the sixth plane exclaims, 'How fortunate I am tonight that my Beloved entered my room all of a sudden!' (The sixth plane is referred to as night, while the dawn is the seventh plane.) As soon as the Beloved entered, the aspirant saw the ocean of effulgence of God and bowed down, and he felt very blissful. Hafiz says of his experience that there is no wonder that he saw his Beloved that night, for it was the fruit of his labor of being at the feet of his Perfect Master for
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