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malaria. Baba had Rustom lie under the mango trees in the shade and fed him barley water and tangerines. He felt much better for the fresh air and cool breeze.


Shortly after 2 P.M. we prepared to leave and arrived home at 3. Baba called all together to discuss with Malcolm Schloss his idea that each should write of his or her first impressions and personal experiences with Baba. All agreed it was a good idea. These appeared at different times in the Meher Journal, published in India a few years later. Baba then gave a copy of Charles Purdom’s Perfect Master to Norina, Nadia and myself. These he signed later as well as others. At 5 Baba left for Rahuri and his strenuous work with the God-men. We retired to rest after the happy and active days work.


Together with work and happy outings with Baba were periods set apart for daily meditation as already mentioned. Said Baba, "I want you to be gay and have humor, but I also want you to be serious about certain points, especially about meditation." . . ."Constant prayer and selfless service are both vital in turning the mind away from worldly things and directing it towards spirituality."


Occasionally, we fasted as directed by Baba. Nonny Gayley was the only one Baba asked to fast 40 days on orange juice and water and this was strictly under Baba's supervision. Just before Baba’s Birthday, when he was on a month's fast, he allowed each one of the group to fast for one day with him during that time, he selecting the day on which each was to share the fast. We fasted on two cups of milk or, if Baba was fasting on water only, then we did likewise.


It was the same evening after my day's fast that I wrote in my diary: "I feel I would like to make a vow — never to weep except I were moved by Baba's love, beauty or suffering — never on account of my own feelings of being hurt, neglected or anything personal" — adding later — "l am as happy as one can be until there is union and all one can do 'till then is to go on working for Baba and obeying him."


On April twelfth, Baba arrived quite unexpectedly after supper. We had not expected him until the 13th. As was our custom, we stood outside the main building, "Manzil Meem," and watched Baba get out of the car. He motioned to us not to touch him or go forward to embrace him as we sometimes did, for he was "working" internally. He told us all to be completely




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