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England, so you all cannot stand India. In Devonshire I remember Dr. Ghani sleeping under seven blankets and with boots on and a hot water bag under his arm, like an Egyptian mummy. I could not exact any work from the boys there. They wanted to help but they could not stand it. In the same way you will all want to help me at Ahmednagar, but might not be able to stand it there.


"At Ahmednagar, no running water, no flush system — it is like Bhandardara, but at Bhandardara Kaka was there to look after you and see after details. The climate is good and also the drinking water. You will all love it but the question is whether you will be able to stand it.


"Ideal for the East and West is Portofino (Italy). I could start a Rahuri there if we had the money. But Ahmednagar is also good, though comforts you won't have. I must be free to work and not have to continually see after your comforts and discomforts.


“Some came here with the understanding of staying six months, some one year, some five, so if these want to go and come back, now is the best time to go. If you do not want to go Baba does not want to force you to. You will help me and my work by being quite honest with yourselves and with me. Think very carefully, because if it is Ahmednagar, I will have to see to it quickly before the monsoon starts which should be in a month. I do not find fault with any of you. As I said, England for Westerners and India for Easterners. They cannot live in England. You have stood India very well, so far excellently.


"I begin my work in one place. When building in one place is finished I start building in another and so the work goes on. It is all the same wherever I am. The work never suffers or stops. Pendu is always prepared to pull down the Ashram at Meherabad. Work I can do anywhere, but it is to be East and West — the 'Circle' with me wherever I am. Portofino or Meherabad, we have to see where it is easier for me. The boys like Italy. I think of my work. At present there is too much traveling about — every five days.


"I work universally. If you think of me, if you love me, you are sharing my work. It is the link that matters. The engine pulls and the carriages go with it because they are linked with the engine.


"I do my work whether there is freedom or not, but it goes easier if there are no hindrances. So be honest in your answers. At Ahmednagar the food will be the same, there will be servants. There will be more scorpions, but fewer snakes. The most difficult part will be the bathing conditions. Dr.




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