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Maharaj remained in the wooden cage for over three years without coming out of it. The taking of food, answering the calls of nature, or baths were all done within the narrow limits of the cage. The devotees attended to the daily needs of Maharaj from the outside of the cage; and they tried to keep the cage as clean as it could be under these circumstances. The daily Arti of Maharaj in the cage was followed by devotional songs by girls. Maharaj also gave to his devotees many spiritual discourses from within the wooden cage in which he was seated These daily discourses were recorded by a devotee who was regularly present at the time of the discourses and they subsequently appeared in the form of books, which continue to be a source of illumination. Maharaj first came out of his wooden cage on the 31st of January, 1924, after getting the carpenter to prepare a window. Even after these three years of exclusive stay within the cage, Maharaj preferred to sit in the cage for long periods; but he began to come out of the cage occasionally. Later on, when Maharaj had gone to Nasik, the devotees discovered that the wooden cage was all worn out and tattered; they, therefore, pulled it down, and erected in that very spot a cage made of silver bars.


Soon after Maharaj came out of his cage, in 1924, he went to Shirdi for the first time after the passing away of Sai Baba. Maharaj was then accompanied by many devotees. Maharaj got down at Khandoba's temple and sat in it for some time. Many people from Shirdi came to him to give him a warm welcome and take him to the place of Sai Baba. To those around him, Maharaj spoke about his past reminiscences; and as he spoke about them tears flowed out of his eyes. Maharaj then was taken to the place of Sai Baba. He went to the place of Sai Baba's Shuni and then coming to the steps of the Masjid (mosque) sat there. People of Shirdi thronged there to have the darshana of Maharaj and performed his Arti by singing the same Arti which was sung for Sai Baba himself. After this, Maharaj bowed to the Samadhi (tomb) of Sai Baba and joined in the Arti of the Samadhi of Sai Baba. Then he visited other places associated with Sai Baba and left Shirdi; but, on his way back, he again sat under the Banyan tree in front of Khandoba's temple and shed tears. The people of Shirdi had come right up to Khandoba's temple. After spending some time under the tree, Maharaj went back to Sakori.


In 1927, Maharaj had a severe attack of dysentery; and this illness, which lasted for four months, took him to Nasik. During this illness many devotees went to Nasik for his darshana.




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