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In the various lodging houses, hotels and schools, where a sizeable population of lovers had been housed, the peace and calm of the cool night were broken from 2:00 A .M. by lovers rushing to have baths to get ready to go to Guruprasad. The volunteers had correctly sensed the enthusiasm of the lovers and so had luckily kept the gates of Guruprasad locked. When I came at about 7:00, there was a huge crowd anxiously waiting on the road, blocking the traffic The crowd had been waiting since a quiet hour of the morning long before the sun had kissed the tallest tree. Eight big buses brought lovers from the Hamirpur district, a distance of about 800 miles or more. These were parked on the other side of the road. Some of these poor people had probably sold their belongings to be near their Beloved for a few seconds! Though they were far from rich in pocket, they were millionaires in their love for Baba. The fatigue of their strenuous journey had faded away like mist before the sun after seeing Baba. Seeing the crowd, various vendors had gathered outside the gates of Guruprasad to sell their wares.
Suddenly it was announced on a squeaky mike that I was wanted. Many grumbled and groused as to why I should be permitted inside when they had come long before me. I pushed through the crowd and got inside the gates with my clothes and hair disheveled. Baba came into the side room at Guruprasad at 7:30. I was called in. Complaints from some lovers who had not been successful in getting darshan yesterday were told to Baba. Baba said, “All these darshan programs are insignificant compared with what will happen when My grace descends after I break My silence. All this is a 'Tamasha.'”*
Baba then said, “The pain in my neck is very severe. Dr. Goher says that all that could be done to relieve the pain has been done. It will decrease as time goes by. No one knows how much I suffer."
The impatient crowd at the gates had been allowed to come and occupy their sears in the colossal pandal. It was similar to the one at the East-West Sahavas, but larger, and containing over 3,000 chairs. Baba stepped on the dais at 8:45 with Eruch. He came in front of his sofa chair and stood looking at the expanse of humanity cheering like mad, "Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai" Mr. Shinde garlanded Baba after He sat down. Suddenly one lover whose emotion had got the better of him, rushed to Baba crying loudly. He was escorted by the stalwart volunteers back to his seat. Baba asked, "Why are people standing?" Eruch replied, "There isn't enough seating accommodation, Baba."
Baba asked Eruch to announce on the mike that when lovers who were seated came for darshan, those standing should occupy their chairs.
* Performance on a stage that is quick fading.
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