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The strange part of that experience was that I lay in those mountains in my entirety. A fisherman might say "hook, line and sinker"; but I, not being a fisherman, merely say, "spirit, soul and body."


Then I found myself lying back in the dunes. I visited a few of the dune neighbors, but I could not stop weeping. I am sure they thought I had gone completely wacky or was very sick. I remember how as one "duner" literally put me to bed, I kept on weeping and saying "Baba, Baba." I knew what had really happened was the loosening of the "chain of sanskaras." People have a tendency to speak of this rather glibly. They do not know what it really entails; for the entire psyche is turned inside out. I then knew the I had experienced the "Ancient One”...even before I had learned that Baba was using this term.


From then on, although I could not recapture that great "rapture, " many events came "tumbling down from heaven's brink." I thought at first I might be able to get back to the "holy mountains. " But it was hopeless. It seemed as though I was trying to climb a ladder that had no existence. God just would not repeat Himself.


But of the many other experiences that followed:


First, as I walked the dunes, suddenly I felt that a mantle had fall over me, or as though an eagle had swooped down on me. From then on I walked the dunes as Baba. His hair flowed over my shoulders. I discover that I could not speak. As I walked into an old duner's shack to spend the time of day with him, I know that I must have frightened him. For all I did was make motions and imitated Baba in every detail. He must have felt quite relieved when I left. The silence about me was so intense. I felt that I had returned to the Garden of Eden. I will sum up this dune experience by saying that from here on that "Ancient Being" grew stronger within me. I used many names for Him: "The Blessed Perfection ... "The Friend”...


"The Eternal Companion." And this "Ancient One" does not in any way whatever resemble the outer form of Baba. I found this "dualism" with myself rather confusing, and in later years, at Myrtle Beach, when I explained to Baba that I always see two—Baba, and the "Ancient One"― Baba said, "Someday you will see me and the 'Ancient One' as ONE."


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