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“We had to return to the Jones' house at about 3 P.M. to see about the final arrangements and sending the trunks to the steamer.
"Celeste Domola was the finest and most-devoted character we met during our stay in California. We left the house after a scratch meal, around about six P.M. Mark Jones drove Baba and party, and I followed with Adi in Celeste's car. We got down to the steamer before 8 P.M.
“We were sailing on the Monterey of the Matson Line. A very big crowd of people came down to see Baba off. We sailed at 11 P.M., eventually, among cheers, bands, and hundreds of serpentines.
“The first day was pretty rough, and the little boy Carl who was with us felt very ill and seasick. Monday was considerably better, and once he had his sea-legs, this boy proved a veritable nuisance. He was disobedient, thoughtless, and selfish; and his one idea was to enjoy himself. All day was spent in chasing him from the gymnasium to the swimming pool, or the clay-pigeon shooting at the end of the boat. He had meals with me in the dining room and was always half-an-hour later than I in finishing. Baba, about the second day, began to be very fed up with him and decided to send him back to Los Angeles on the very first opportunity after we landed. During the voyage, several people came to see Baba who had heard of him in California.
"Baba had ordered Rustom Irani to sail from Shanghai so as to meet him in Honolulu. He was extremely thoughtful and preoccupied during these days on board, and in the mood which generally presages a 'change-of-plans', so I was not altogether unprepared for what transpired. How marvelous were those days in June, sailing in the Pacific Ocean with Baba. The weather was perfect and the air seemed to get softer, warmer, and of a tropical quality. Thursday morning we sighted the Hawaiian Islands at 8 A.M. We first passed Mauna Loa, and after sighting Oahu, of which Honolulu is the capital. After rounding Diamond Head, we came in sight of the famous beach of Waikiki bordered by its beautiful villas and hotels, of which the Royal Hawaiian and the Moana are the biggest. Two equally lovely and attractive hotels are the Halekulani where Rustom stayed, and the Hiumalu where I stayed for a week after Baba sailed for China.
"As we approached the landing stage, we were met by a tender on which was the Royal Hawaiian Band and singers, who had come out to welcome the Monterey on her maiden trip. The officials of the Matson Line were there to meet the boat and quantities of leis, made of every kind of flower but especially of the plumeria flower, were hung round everybody's neck. Baba refused all flowers except one that Rustom, who was on deck to meet us, gave him. The Hutchins, friends of Elizabeth Patterson, came to meet me and added more leis. Baba drove
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