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from the ocean which one may see in the distance. I would look out toward the east where Baba was, some 10,000 miles away, and I would think of him, meditate on him, and I felt that I had a good inner contact with him. But still I thought, `Maybe it's so and maybe it isn't. It may be just wishful thinking.' Two years later when Meher Baba came to America, he came to the Center at Myrtle Beach. One of the first things he did with our family was to bundle us all into a station wagon and take us to his house. After we got out of the station wagon he pointed to the scenic view, and we said, `Yes, Baba, it's a beautiful view.' Then he walked up the steps of the veranda, turned around and, looking directly at me, held up his hand with the index finger extended upward. "Oh", I said, "Baba you are reminding me of how I used to come here and think of you." He nodded, "yes", abruptly turned around and walked into the house. That was the end of that. It was a confirmation. He simply projected it.


This is one of the many ways which Baba gives on: confidence, so that one knows that one can depend on one's inner contact with him. He has explained at great length in his Discourses that owing to the unity of the inner planes, we are constantly acting and interacting upon each other, for the most part, unconsciously. We know that oftentimes some-one in our presence says the very thing that we were about to say. Sometimes a friend, a close relative, a loved one sends us a letter at the same time we have sent them a letter. We often feel that we have had a good inner contact with someone, it seemed so real, but we don't quite trust it. On the inner planes there is no sense of time or distance. It is like having a fourth dimensional zipper, here you are, instantly attuned to someone, anywhere. You have to believe it, you have to accept it. This poses a responsibility for you, for me, because our thoughts are also affecting others, our feelings are affecting others, as theirs are affecting us. It is interesting to know that this happens unconsciously, and in some cases, consciously, but it is very important to know that it can happen in connection with someone who is God-Realized. We can have a conscious inner contact with the Avatar. We are meant to have a conscious inner contact with the Divine Beloved. We have to trust him and we must trust him.


There have been so many instances where he has inconspicuously shown how well he knows the thoughts, the feelings, of not just one but of everyone present. In India, for example, there were times when he would repeat thoughts that I had or give answers to questions that were troubling me, and I'm sure that he did the same thing in connection with any number of others who were present. Some of the things he said might have seemed irrelevant to me, but they were


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