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a further demonstration of their loving hospitality, a farewell party occurred on the 29th — it is humbling to see how close people can become in a short time in Baba's Love.


Of course, throughout the days of loving contact with the Baba-people and exhilaration of public Baba-Work, there were many small incidents, many seemingly minor contacts. Only the Beloved knows their true significance, and the immense work He did in persons hearts. The finest exhibition of the essence of poetry and music could not match even that little which I saw — Avataric Art in action. Beloved Baba's complete command over the spiritual awakening of mankind has always been supreme, but to me it became more apparent than ever over those three weeks. Baba granted an incomparable Love-gift when He enabled me to watch and feel His Loving and Guiding Presence capture the hearts and inspire the minds of those hungry for the Truth which He alone Is.


In trying to get the visit to Europe in perspective after returning to the latest Baba-developments in the U.S.A., I was reminded of the Beloved's statement quoted in the September, 1968 Family Letter that He had finished His Work. We have an expression in the U.S.A.: "It's all over but the 'shouting!" It seems like that now in Baba's game of spreading His Message and Name. To the disinterested average citizen of the world, there is just beginning some recognition of His existence in human form. But the wheels have been set in motion; to Baba-lovers all over the West, the results are seeming more and more inevitable. His Victory is obviously nearer and nearer — the world now comes to Him. We hope He can "relax" a bit now and "indulge" in the Perfection of His superlative and compassionate play before He brings down the curtain on the drama of His Shadow. And the shouting of praise and rejoicing shall be in response to the mind-obliterating roar and the peace-giving whisper of His Divine Word.


How can one really comment or interpret the Work of Baba Who is the Ocean of Love, whose Work in His spray of Awakening is so beyond description, word or thought? How does one express the "Jai Baba!" praise, awe and gratefulness for His Very Being of Love which makes everything worthwhile? How does one extrapolate from apparent events in the world of Illusion to His Infinity and Cosmic Plan? It seems to be impossible and perhaps that is exactly how it could be. Perhaps one simply accepts the unfathomable, trusting the total love and unity of Baba, Whom the entirety of creation will soon come to feel.


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