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have inevitably accumulated many sanskaras that have to be worn off. The process of wearing down these sanskaras binds the soul to many life-times of spiritual ignorance, confusion, and playing with the childish toys of illusion. Frustrating as this is, Baba says it is the price we have to pay to gain the pearl of consciousness. He is infinitely patient with us. So when He comes every 700-1400 years, only a few are ready to receive all that He has to offer. The rest of us must toil on for many lifetimes to achieve this holy readiness.


Among the few to whom Baba gives Himself are His lovers. To them He says, "Your love brought me." For this is the delight of the Avatar: to play the love-game with His lovers. He loves to love them and to be loved by them. He is both the hunter and the hunted, the hunter because He actively hunts out those especially dear to Him; the hunted because it is Him for whom everyone is really searching, even though they may not know it. These lovers are special to Baba because they will light the way for the coming of love among men on earth. They are the "fruits" of Baba's labor. In them, Baba will try to establish an inner link that will bind them to Him in future lifetimes so that when they return, at some point in their future lives, they will find themselves again seeking the spiritual nourishment that comes only from surrendering to the Avatar.


But these lovers must not think themselves so special as to be "more advanced" souls. Baba has said that many are more dear to Him who have never heard the name of Baba. They are dear to Him for their capacity to love, for their honesty, for their selflessness, and for their lack of hypocrisy. And not all lovers will be able to hang on to His daaman when things get rough and the spiritual hurricane invades their lives — as Baba promises that it will. These lovers are fortunate indeed that Baba has touched their lives. But His touching is more an instance of His glory and grace than it is of their spiritual advancement.


In this advent, particularly, Baba intends to clarify some old confusions of the mind about God and the journey of the soul. His intention is not, as He reminds us in God Speaks, to tempt us into the belief that God should be pursued with the intellect. But rather He knows that intellectual confusion can lead to a great deal of spiritual confusion about the search for God. Whereas the other Avatars preferred to express themselves in parables or in language of mystery, Baba has decided to make patently clear the whole process of the development of consciousness in the universe This bible will be His foundation for the new humanity. With their intellectual doubts resolved, they can devote themselves to the quest for brotherhood among men.


The coming of Baba means that we can begin to forget the art which depicts the false, the "art" which tells us stories of propaganda, of deca-


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