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some desire, never mind. As the bad thought has come, so it will go. But you, yourself, do not follow the bad thought." Control yourself. The mind and body are separate, like the arrow and the bow. When pull the bow the arrow flies. So control that arrow.


I request Baba's circle disciples to remember to love each other and help each other, and obey all Master's orders.

drawing of Baba


Baba is everyone's Friend. He is the Father out of whose breath was made the question our lives are helping to answer. He is the Mother whose love is the light which shall twin our dark thoughts into heavenly shinings. He is the Brother whose example can guide us, whose laughter smoothes over our blunders, whose fondness permits us to continue until the next blunder.


His life began before beginning was conceivable. His life arises in the shimmering Inwardness, from which each thing in every universe draws life. This shimmering is Theresa's 'Diamond':: all things sparkle in it. Eternity is its overcoat it is a No-Thing more still, more sure, more certain and serene than any pious wording can communicate.


His life is centered in this shimmering and this shimmering is His beginningless and endless inward life. And yet His life embraces, is established in, uplifts, transcends and glorifies our life of slow, dull-witted heaviness in flesh. His life embraces, in the self-same way, the life of flowers and birds and everything that is. And He, the shimmering Inwardness whence they too draw their life, lives at their level as their own dear Friend.


Baba is everyone's Friend. None are debarred from bathing in His Light, none need demur. Come forth, accept His call, for you, your Truth — which is that shimmering Inwardness — already know it is yourself that calls. (Even the cynic knows one is one's own best friend.) Come forth to Baba who will, in ways no cynic could conjecture, initiate your knowing in this certain certainty: Baba is everyone.

                                                                                                                                                   ― Anon.


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