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one else. I am not this body that you see. It is only a coat I put on when I visit you. I am infinite Consciousness."
Grieve not that the Lamp that burnt in its multi-bright splendour has gone, because the Light that lighted the Lamp is ever aflame everywhere in its effulgence. Seek we Meher Baba, as Light in our hearts, and He will never fail to cheer and brighten up the dark recesses of doubt and despair.
Avatar Meher Baba, during His lifetime, blasted all our doubts and laid a seige to the passions and perversities of our desires. If the desires are not completely gone, the wind from their sails is removed. Even a desire for God-realization was proclaimed to be vacated to create a thirst for desirelessness. To a question once asked, "Where is God?", Baba replied, "He is beyond hopes." This hope may be for anything and everything, including God-realization.
We loved and served Baba during His lifetime. He often awakened us to keep a firm hold on His daaman. In fact it was He who had held us to His daaman and I always wondered why He time and again warned us to be aware that the daaman should not slip off our hands. It was His way to prepare us for the Great Event of dropping His body. It is our turn to hold on to His daaman now and forever. It was easier to hold on to His daaman when He was in the body, because He held us to His daaman. By His repeated reminders and warnings He made it very easy for us to hold on to His daaman when He is not in body.
Divine and Divinity are the two aspects of Avatar Meher Baba. When one is manifest, the other is unmanifest. When in the body Meher Baba as the Divine was manifest and as Divinity was unmanifest. Without body Meher Baba as the Divine is unmanifest and as Divinity is manifest. So Meher Baba is not gone. He has turned His Divine Face away from us to give us the experience of His Divinity. As a father on whose presence we relied every time for everything, He has awakened us to the consciousness of His Divinity, on which we have to rely every time for everything.
Divine and Divinity are as close to each other as pure water and the colours it assumes,of attributes that are His Divinity. When water gets colours, the water does not cease to exist. So if Baba is gone from our seeming existence, He has come more to our life which is full of colours. Out of the chequered colours of our sanskaras we hope to purify ourselves to become conscious of our pure existence, which is nothing but the existence of the Avatar as Meher. He is ever with us and in us. Seek we Baba as Avatar Meher in our hearts and He is ever there to guide us, to protect us and to purify us from the ever changing life of illusion to enlighten us with the ever unchanging Knowledge and Bliss of Existence.
Jai Meher Baba! Ever the Avatar!
April 27th, Mani: (introducing tapes of the group from Hamirpur who came for Baba's darshan some time ago): "The bells you hear are the bells on their feet as they dance before Baba." Eruch adds: "The men and women both danced here before Baba because they used to dance for Baba when he visited them. It's not a joke for them to dance before an audience for the women in that district are always veiled, but in the presence of Baba they would unveil. On the contrary, they would beg Baba to unveil Himself to them!"
Mani continues: "The menfolk themselves suggested their women remove their veils; now that God has come they must look at Him . . . When Baba first went to Hamirpur, there was a small group he had drawn to him and had given his love, and others were opposed. They broke down a dam and inundated their own village rather than have Baba come in. They did it to themselves. But now they are inundated with Baba's love. There is no one there who is not for Baba. The little children going to school make songs for Baba, the women go for water to the wells and come back singing songs for Baba, they sing of Him as they grind the for grain.
"Baba gave darshan twice in Hamirpur district. There the people are very, very poor. The families put aside 2 cents a day, from cutting extra grass, until they have enough for the train fare to come to Baba for Darshan. Not many can come for Darshan, but they all love Baba. Their love for Baba made us realize why Baba had chosen their land to first proclaim His Avatarhood, to tell them 'I am the Avatar.' Baba
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