in all feelings in myself, not just "limiting" Him in my mind to feelings of bliss and joy, but knowing He is the only Reality beyond the All. Believing in Baba is knowing there is always something more to become than what you already think you are; loving Baba is finding that your heart can melt and sing a more vibrantly joyous song than ever before and surrendering to Baba is having faith that in giving up all you think you are, you will become all you really are."
- "A man came to Baba asking what he could do to remember and love Him more. Baba asked the man if he loved his wife. 'Yes, of course, she is very beautiful and I love her very much.' Baba then asked the man if he had to remind himself to love his wife by taking her name every day."
- "I never understood the term "holy" until I met Mehera. There is a depth in her eyes—she sees one thing—Baba."
- "Visiting all those places I felt comparable to a man drinking at a well in an oasis not because he is thirsty at the moment, but because he knows that soon he will be in the desert again and there will be no more water for awhile."
- "Mani had said earlier that it was like getting a whiff of the New Humanity, like the whiff of the ocean that you get even before you see the ocean."
- "I raised the question of intellectualizing about the meaning of holding onto Baba's daaman. Eruch told me what that really meant. He said to visualize a little child with its mother in a busy market-place holding on to his mother's skirts so as not to stray from her. Francis said (I recall at this point he was speaking in general of Baba lovers) it was important to be as children and to pray in seclusion. He said that making a show of one's devotion was immature bragging, creating separateness. He talked about art and why he felt this to be such an important endeavor--art veiled the artist, the expression attained its proper prominence.
- At Darshan I began to feel the Beloved's
personal special humanness, through all of you. Before He was overpoweringly God and Christ; now He is infinitely more, being our beautiful Baba, the man, our friend. Every day He is more God, more a 'mighty Beloved and every day more Man, more specially Meher Baba. I remember on the third day of Darshan, Baba was so close and full of love that every time I heard His Name or saw His Picture I just cried, it was so incredible — for He is the only One, the Only one in my life, and He has come and let us know of Him . . .
- "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Beloved Baba, for fulfilling Your great promise: 'sometime, somewhere, somehow."'
- "I really feel that now I actually know that Meher Baba is Love."
- "At Baba's tomb, some young people had put garlands around their own necks while waiting in line. Padri said, 'When you bring a gift or offering to the Master, you do not partake of the least part of it. A garland is made, or purchased, just for the Master. If the perfume accidentally comes to you, you cannot help it, but you never put it to your nose to smell it. If you put it around your neck, the garland is yours. If you later offer it to the Master, it is as if you were giving Him your prasad. So you take the garland with loving care, but no appreciative glances (as this gratifies your senses) — directly to the Master and give it all to Him for His pleasure.'
"At the tomb there was such hollowness of heart in me. When I entered, I knew that Baba had gone from this place. It was as if I was standing in the shadow of the lamp of His love. I was filled with sorrow. As I kissed His footstone I felt only an overwhelming wish from the depths of my heart to be rid of all that would hinder me from being the complete expression of His wish, His glorious wish, His infinite wish, His all-encompassing wish—to be done with all thought of me and mine forever."