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We drove down with the Winterfeldts and Agnes Bourne, who still recalled her first meeting with Baba. She told the story again as we drove: She had met Baba at the Phelps Stokes house in New York in 1932. It was a moment of great love. Baba was holding some violets; He read her thoughts and gave them to her. Afterwards she had dropped her glove. Baba called her back, kissed the glove, and gave it to her.


On the way down — clouds formed Baba's name in Persian script in the sky. We also passed a bad accident on the road. I felt an odd feeling as we drove by. At last we came to the Meher Center gate. My diary says:


"Suddenly I heard the Universe stop. I heard it STOP. All motion came to an end — right here. 'Godman is in residence right here,' I said to myself: the whole creation stops. To this eternal Now all motion comes and drops its burden and there is Stillness. The true mind, the Divine Mind, is still. O,. how beautiful! And yet as we drive by the gate and see one rose, one red blossom, it is as if a current came out and touched us — of Love."


We drove to the Lafayette Hotel. At 1:30 pm., I picked up the phone to call Elizabeth. No answer, no phones: Baba was resting. I called at 3:00: Elizabeth answered in her bright voice, You will see Baba tomorrow morning. O, yes — He's expecting you!" I almost dropped the phone. I never got over that! God expecting me! A restless night, no sleep! — almost. The sounds of the merry-go-round outside. A dream: the blue dress I was making to meet Baba in, because blue is His favorite color, was full of pins, and Baba's hand pulled them all out one by one.


So, in the blue dress, I was driven with John Bass and Adele to the Center. It was 9:30 a.m. when Delia, standing on the steps of the Lagoon Cabin, said, "Shri Meher Baba, this is Phyllis Frederick." How would Baba look? I did not know. I thought of Jesus, but at my first glimpse of Baba the thought flashed in my head, "He looks Egyptian!" The long eyebrows, dark almond eyes, the golden skin. He embraced me and my heart beat fast, "He is mine. He is mine.” He gestured to a chair beside Him. Baba "asked" through Adi. "How do I look?" I said to Adi (because someone had misinformed me we could not speak directly to Him in the New Life), "He looks ill," As soon as I said it, I felt 'No! He looks beautiful.’


Eyes like black diamonds looked lovingly into mine. I felt my heart overflow with His Love. He seemed so familiar, so intimate, so close. Then he called in Adele, my "twin." Here are Meherjee 's notes of our first "conversation" with the Silent Beloved:


To Adele: "I heard about you from Norina, Elizabeth, Margaret, and I heard you from within. When I see such souls who love Me I feel very happy and strong. People like Filis are intimate ones. I love you because you love Me so much."


To both: "These two girls, I heard so much about you both, Filis and Adele, from Elizabeth, Norina, Donkin, and Margaret, and I heard you from within, that I feel so happy that at last I have seen you. Are you not nervous? (no). I am overjoyed. Are you happy? (very happy). No more happy than I am in seeing you. When you know Me you will love Me like a little child. I am a child — grown up. You (to Adele) are like Mani to me."


"I love humor. I love to tease and work hard here at various places while talking to you now — and today Filis and Adele have met Me; and when you love Me with pure simple love, there should be no barrier. Love — pure — simple — then all doubts go away. Until then, mind gets tempted to doubt. Even if love is there, the mind goes on working thinking this




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