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Silent Teachings, (Continued from Page 43)
The lover must only see the Beloved's wish and happiness; that is the highest. When love reaches this point, this love which I talk of, it is only attained by Grace. So the highest love one can get without Grace is to want always to be loved by the Beloved, to be near the Beloved. Focus on Baba in everything you do and think constantly of him. Be like a rock, not like a straw swerving in the slightest breeze, which goes anywhere. Love which is so pure must lead to the Infinite.
After every incarnation, when the gross body falls off, in the beginning, the subtle body experiences impressions. Then when it takes again another body, the consciousness in the beginning is very faint. At the most for seven years the impressions are very faint, and the consciousness is very faint too, and there is no sense of good and bad. Then when the gross consciousness develops, all the trouble begins. Every action, every thought and word which you do now is collected in the mental impressions — so in your next life you get a body according to these impressions. There are people who immediately go into another body — but these are advanced people, not Masters .
There is only one Infinite; everything has its beginning and end in the Infinite.
Bodies and Their Corresponding Planes
There are three worlds or planes, and corresponding to them, there are three bodies, the gross, subtle, and the mental. These worlds or planes should not be mixed up with the idea of place or sphere. The purpose of evolution is served with the attainment of the human form, plus full consciousness. Simultaneous with the human body, the subtle and mental bodies make their appearance.
There is also another body, called the astral body, which persists long after death and belongs to sub-subtle or lower of the seven regions of the subtle plane. It is connected with both the subtle and gross planes or worlds. The astral body is exactly the replica of human body in all details. As is the astral body so will be the gross body. The former is vapory or smoky in appearance, unlike the subtle body, which has form but no defined organs. The experience of Heaven and Hell, enjoyment and suffering, is undergone by this body and no sooner are the Sanskaras, acquired while in the gross body, spent up, than the astral body is destroyed, leaving faint impressions on the Subtle body.
The Subtle world represents desires, ego, and energy. The subtle bodies on this plane have forms of light (Tej or Noor) known as Angels. The Light-form of these angels or Spirits can with no stretch of imagination be compared to the Sun, which can be said to be the shadow of this Light. The dissolution of the Subtle plane is the phenomena, which we term as 'Qiamat' or 'Mahapralaya' and both the gross and subtle worlds recede and remain involved in the mental plane in seed form.
The mental or Seed body, is a point of light (Causal Body) on this plane. Extended or magnified, it's called the Supra-mental Body. The sub-mental plane is the rest-house of Valis of the 6th plane, and the Supra-mental plane is the abode of Archangels. This plane, unlike the subtle and the gross, is eternal in character.
The Archangels are a creation by themselves and are embodiments of God's qualities. In order to realize God, unlike the angels or spirits who are all evolved beings, the Archangels, after a cyclic period, directly take the human form and achieve the object in one lifetime. The reason why is this: — The Ocean of Divinity consists of drops and waves in a latent form. As soon as the surface of the Ocean was ruffled with motion, the waves came into being, and these waves have all the attributes of Ocean in them. These big
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