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But it is useless to realize all this without personal experience. One may listen to years of explanations or read volume after volume, but one would not get even a glimpse of an idea, a shadow of the shadow of the real experience, without experiencing it personally.
Such a perfect state is attained by one out of millions, and that too, only by the grace of a Sadguru. To talk about this knowledge and experience without acquiring it,—to realize it only through philosophy or the superficial knowledge of religion is utter folly—humbug, pure and simple!
The diagram above shows that the same one Intelligence is playing all these different roles—the same "I" is everywhere. Below are given some equivalent terms:
1. God=Knowledge=Intelligence=Everything=LIGHT
2. Universe=Imagination=Nothing=Ignorance=DARKNESS
To explain further: In the lower semicircle, (Infinite Intelligence in the unconscious state), knowledge does not know that "I am Infinite Ananta." Knowledge, though infinite, is in the sound-sleep or unconscious state. In that state, Knowledge (God) does not know "I am infinite knowledge." "Knowledge" also means "God" and "knowing" means "creation."
Now a desire is created in that Jivatman , that unconscious individual, to know Self—to be Self-realized; and the vibration of this desire to know Self wakes it up to go further. Where? To the Super-conscious state. How was this awakening caused? Through a desire to know Self. This desire means sanskaras (impressions) are present where the desire was created. Hence it got the first sanskaras. These sanskaras are natural―from the stone state to the human state.
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