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The experiences of all the planes and the powers acquired therein are all Imagination. One Almighty alone is the Real Truth. Therefore all of you strive only to attain the Perfect state of Realization of the Self—and give up all efforts to attain yogi states and powers, as they are all Imagination.
Keep Yourself Aloof from Material Maya
Even if you do not get God or a guru, beware of the two particularly dangerous things—wine and women.* Try to be as aloof and far from these two as possible. Then your mind will be much purer. You will be aloof from the inducements and desires, and so from the sanskaras and bindings thereof and are that much more saved.
Do not care much for this gross body and its five senses, either, for it is a mere outer covering to be thrown off at death. Then why care for wine, women and wealth for the satisfaction of this gross body which we may have to give up at any moment? Indeed do your duties towards your family sincerely, but do not have the ambition to earn more to satisfy these five senses of the body. Earn sufficient to maintain your family; work hard for that. But do not be a slave to your bodily passions by earning more than sufficient and wasting the surplus income on such tender pleasures. Because this body has to be given up. It is only given to you as a medium for you to know Self, that is, for Self-Realization.
For example, a cup and saucer are for drinking tea or milk or whatever. It is a means for drinking. The moment the tea is drunk and in your stomach, the means—the cup and saucer is put aside. In the same way, once you realize the Self, this body, which was only the means toward that goal, is given up. What is its use then, after Realization?
Of those that have the good fortune to be realized there are three different classes:
1. the Majzoobs—unconscious of the universe
2. the Saliks—conscious of, but indifferent towards the universe
3. the Acharyas or Sadgurus―conscious, but duty-bound towards the universe
Just as one can get the benefit of the company and stay with a Sadguru, so one can derive benefit from the company and stay with either a Salik or a Majzoob. For are not all three Realized, God-Personified?
In staying near or with them, their spiritual "heat" burns up the material maya, i.e. the sanskaras, so that if one cannot derive any immediate material advantage the spiritual advantage is no less. And if one does any service to them, the fruit is indeed very great.
The working of a Majzoob is of the reverse order abuse, beating, etc. without any rhyme or reason; but having their prasad** too is the lot of very, very few. As they are unconscious of their gross body they wander here and there, lying in mud and dirt, in dirty ragged clothes, etc. But nevertheless, they are Realized, and hence the tremendous benefit of their company or stay with them, or service rendered. You can come across even these Majzoobs provided your sanskaras, actions, and devotion are deserving of such rare company. Then what do you say of the good fortune of those who come in contact with a Sadguru? What do you all think of yourselves?
"The person who does not give his life does not reach his beloved God" . . . . . is a Persian couplet meaning that those who wish to be free from these ceaseless rounds of
*Baba was speaking to His men mandali at the time
**gift of a holy one, usually food
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