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Yet Baba says that it is not for nothing that this body has been given to us. It is not for nothing that we have to study everything around us. We have to study. There is no doubt about it, we should not waste our time. We should try to acquire the knowledge and the understanding as to who we are. This knowledge, once gained, is never lost. You are not required to undergo higher studies or to be a talented person at all. Baba shows the most simple path. Any man of any calling, any profession, any nationality, standard or status can follow the path. It is equally good for him to take it up and follow it and be serious about it and see the results. It is so simple that any man who makes up his mind and makes a resolve can take up what Baba says, which is just to love Him, and see the results.


So now we come to our point again when we began by asking, "Who am I?" We do not know who we really are. Meher Baba has come to give us the knowledge of who we really are. Baba said that in order to make a beginning we should begin by loving Him. He says, "You give me your love, unselfish love," not that love that says I'll give you a bit of love, if you give me wealth, or I'll give you a little more love, if you give me a beautiful child. Nothing of that sort. No expectation . . .no bargaining . . . just pure love. Meher Baba says that if we really love Him with all our hearts and establish a link with Him, we shall be able to draw all our strength from Him. Establish our link with the ocean, however small that link may be, however small that pipeline may be that extends from our hearts and goes and joins the ocean! And out of the ocean we can draw as much of bliss, as much of happiness, as much of strength and as much of knowledge as lies in the entire ocean.


Let us go a little further and think about it. Now supposing that from today one has decided to love Meher Baba. How does one begin this love? I have been asked this question many times. "How shall I begin to love Meher Baba?" "How shall I begin this love?" "Show me the way." What is the greatest expression of love in one's life? The greatest expression is to try to make our Beloved our constant companion. To think of Him, to read about Him, to make every spare moment of our life, of our mind, run to Him and try to make Him our own as much as possible.


For example, there is a young man and he falls in love with a young girl. Of course, he wants to marry and be united with her, but no matter what the symptoms of that love are, he goes to school, if he is a student; he attends to his profession, if he has a job or a business. He goes through the entire schedule of the whole day, but his mind absolutely runs towards the person he loves every spare moment. So, in like manner, in a more intense sense, we should think of Meher Baba every spare moment in our life, as we walk, as we talk, as we eat, as we move, as we do our work. It is something like a constant prayer. It is not very difficult. It is very easy. Tukaram, the great perfect master of Maharashtra, has said that this is called Namaswaram. That remembrance should be so constant it becomes a second nature of our life. Every spare moment our mind should run over to Him and begin loving. If we create the circumstances, within a short time we will see that our love for God is inflamed within our hearts. We don't have to lose anything. We are not to sacrifice anything at all. If we are fortunate enough to make the sacrifice, it will be the sacrifice of our own ignorance about ourself. The Beloved's picture is there, His books are there. We can think about Him. We can talk with the persons who have had long contact with Baba. These are the small ways, the most practical ways, by which we create circumstances of loving Him.


Now, I shall end up my little talk telling you what I had heard from Baba from my long contact with Him. He told me, "I do not perform any miracles, but my spiritual status is so high that anyone, anywhere in any difficulty, at any time, if he remembers me with all his heart, it will immediately be solved!"


I will give you an instance. Of course, I will not give you the name, but I shall tell you the story very truthfully. There was once a minister from the Union Government from Delhi who sent a messenger to Ahmednagar. Baba was in seclusion and the messenger gave me a note from the minister addressed to Baba. It was my task to read it first. It was




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