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Baba's Interview with Mr.______ of the Associated Press, on the "VICEROY OF INDIA", between Aden and Bombay. GIVEN ON 21ST OF NOVEMBER, 1936.
At the request of Mr. _______of the Associated Press of India, who happened to be travelling on the same boat with Baba, and who was the only person on board to know of Baba's presence, Baba gave him an interview and answered different questions. Regarding his work recently begun at the Rahuri Ashram of God-intoxicated souls, Baba explained:
"It is a 'game of consciousness.' I direct the spiritual consciousness towards material consciousness by rendering them physical service, and uplift the material consciousness of others to God-consciousness by my spiritual guidance. Thus my Infinite Consciousness links the two. The work at Rahuri is my last external activity before I speak."
Concerning the Westerners coming to India, Baba explained, "They have been called to see and share my work. They have been trained in practical spirituality. It won't be a crown of thorns for them, but it won't be a bed of roses either. Spirituality has spiritual difficulties, but my love and guidance will render it smooth and easy for them."
Explaining selfless service, Baba pointed out that — "As an object lesson to make others render service to humanity I, myself, have to serve others. In the Ashram at Meherabad (Ahmednagar) I wanted my Brahmin devotees to serve the untouchables. For that purpose I personally served the untouchable boys, bathing them and washing their clothes. When I asked my Brahmin devotees to join me they had to as they love me."
Q : Why is Baba always misunderstood?
"To guide, instruct and help humanity, which is my only mission, I have come down to the level of human understanding and consciousness, and here it is that I am misunderstood. To give an example: if a teacher, a graduate of the University, comes down to the level of his students and writes the letters of the alphabet it does not mean he has ceased to be a graduate. Similarly, my Infinite state of God-consciousness remains unaffected, even when I function at the level of normal human consciousness."
On the present world chaos, Baba expostulated: "The present world chaos is the beginning of spiritual manifestation. To illustrate: If a man develops a cataract in his eye, the cataract raises a curtain over his vision and he cannot properly see. The only remedy is to remove the curtain, which means an operation by an eye specialist. But first the doctor sees that the cataract is ripe enough for the operation, if not he allows it to grow ripe. Similarly, the present chaotic condition of the world is due to materialism, which has developed in mankind self-interest and greed, raising a curtain obstructing spiritual vision and development. It has grown so bad now as to create chaos all over the world; a clear indication that the cataract is quite ripe and ready for the operation. The operation over, the disease of ignorance, greed and lust will be removed and the spiritual vision of the world will once again be restored. The doctor-Master is ready for the operation, awaiting only the ripening of the cataract."
Asked what message Baba wished to convey to India, he said: "India is a land of spirituality, of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood — peace of mind individually and harmony of hearts collectively — love for humanity, universal brotherhood, without prejudice of caste, colour or creed."
©1976 by Adi K Irani
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