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disciple and therefore has supreme and unquestionable claim to the undivided loyalty and unqualified surrender from the disciple. It is only when the disciple dedicates his entire life to the Master, with complete and unswerving faith, that he can fully benefit from the unfailing and abundant life-current, which flows to him from the Master.
Those, who desire to invite upon themselves the psychic transformation that brings them in tune with the Infinite, should, after satisfying themselves about the spiritual perfection of their Master, unhesitatingly and unreservedly surrender themselves to him. The complete spiritual transformation, effected by the contact with the Master has a very instructive parallel to the metamorphosis in the life of insects. Just as the caterpillar goes through the transitional encased stage of chrysalis before it becomes a full-fledged butterfly, the aspirant has to go through the transitional stage of self-surrender to the Master, before he is spiritually reborn in the image of the Master and becomes Truth-conscious.
When a man becomes a serious aspirant for God-realization, his entire mind is thrown in utter confusion by the new and irresistible impulsion to unchain itself and be initiated into the undivided and boundless life of true values. While attempting to overthrow the burden of the false and restricting ego, the mind needs the direction and help of the Master. The process would be higgledy-piggledy and chaotic, unless it were under the controlling guidance of the Master, who knows, the ins and outs of the Path. The consciousness of the disciple, with all its darkness and limitations, may be compared to the undeveloped state of a bird in the egg. During the period of incubation, the mother-bird has to sit on the egg and hatch it with the warmth provided by its wings, before the bird attains to full development and comes out in unrestricted freedom. In the same way, the disciple has to receive from the Master all His loving protection and direction, before he can become spiritually perfect and inherit the complete emancipation of God-realization.
But the Path to the summit of Truth is not strewn with roses. Deep-rooted attachments, in all their uncanny forms, must be courageously and ruthlessly plucked out, so that the crystal purity of the heart may reflect the unutterable sweetness of Divine Life. Selfishness in thought, emotion and action must be completely driven out so that there may be an unretarded release of unimpeachable Divine Love. Not by seeking individual happiness or safety, but by again and again offering one's life in the service of others is it possible to rise to the unsurpassed completeness of realized Truth. God is not to be sought by running away from life but by establishing unity with the One in the many. Purity, Love and Service are the watch-words of spiritual life.
The vision of life, which I bring, can never allow anyone to remain engaged in the limiting life of the narrow self, with its myriad desires. The false separative ego has to be annihilated and the individual soul has to realize consciously its original and inviolable unity with God or the Oversoul. Only through the complete dispersion of separative ignorance is it possible to come into one's own divinity. Thus and thus only, shall the soul get established in the unfading and boundless bliss of the undivided Life in Eternity. Thus and thus only, shall the soul open itself to the immeasurable Divine Love of Truth-consciousness, unobscured by hate or malice, untethered by jealousy, unrestrained by ego, untarnished by desire, unenslaved by attachment, unretarded by fear and unrestricted by the changing shadows of illusory duality.
"the remedy for all ills is to remember
Me constantly and wholeheartedly"
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