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such love gives life, body, soul, all to the Beloved. This love is higher than both obedience and devotion. The next step to this love is union. So love, more love, more and more love!
I will explain to you all one day more about 'love'. Love is not understood properly Every emotional act cannot be counted as proceeding from love. The true sign of love is to give everything — to give and give. One day I will explain. A mother loves her child. But this is not pure love. It is love plus self-satisfaction. In real love there is no desire for satisfaction, but only for satisfying.
Nowadays even lust is taken as love, a subtle difference. There is a very subtle difference between love and lust, but quite clear. They are two different things. You love rice and curry. This is lust. You love a cigar — lust again. You love curry and eat it, but do not give anything by the act. You finish the Beloved.
Talk on Detachment in Action, Nasik, February 9, 1937
What a great difference it would make if you dreamt, and while dreaming felt yourself aloof from it as a mere witness to your actions in the dream!
Now, if continually, in full consciousness, you were a witness to all your actions, all would appear as illusion. As mere witness results don't bind you. There would be no misery, no worry, no waste of time, because time would not exist. No waste of energy because energy would not exist. Nothing but you as the witness would exist. Clear? You understand but don't experience.
The question was raised: Would we ever experience it? and Baba replied, Yes. It is really clear?
The personal self is an illusion. Only the Unlimited Self exists and you experience yourself as the Universal Unlimited Self. That is the Goal.
One moment you feel happy, then the other moment you feel miserable. Now happiness, then misery. The active life did not give you the Infinite Bliss. You try to escape from the very thing that would give you that Infinite Bliss. It is both very easy and very difficult, because you yourself have become the veil that lies before your eyes. The veil is on yourself. You yourself bind yourself. The Self is not something to be given because it is already there within. It simply needs to be uncovered.
A question was asked; What can we do to uncover it? and Baba replied; You cannot do anything. I will do it. But you can help me by doing as I say, not by creating difficulties and hindering.
Yesterday a thought came to me, to send you all over India, Tibet, Nepal, to visit the holy places and to see holy men. To stay in that atmosphere and then come back. Then you would follow me without questioning. I did that to Pleader. He went on pilgrimage to visit holy men and holy places. Now he feels that what he wants is to be with me. I can really rely on him now. He no longer has that uncertainty. There holy men are very advanced souls and they would point you to me.
Big hearts always 'give' and 'give in'. Small hearts 'take' and 'take in'.
Talk at Meher Ashram, Nasik, February 10, 1937
Until a few years ago my birthdays used to be celebrated on the same scale as it has been planned to celebrate it this year. Then I stopped these celebrations until now. I allowed few people to meet me, and I would not let anyone take my "darshana", i.e. lay their head on my feet. During my latter visits to the West, I also allowed few interviews ― and you must have noticed that I often seemed displeased when you had arranged for many people to meet me. The reason for thus apparently avoiding people is that I will draw the whole world to me when the time is ripe and when I want.
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