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Margaret Craske was running a ballet school with her friend and partner Mabel Ryan, who became a Baba lover too, as did their friend Quentin Tod. She had been with the Diaghilev ballet and was appointed by the famous Cecchetti as a chief exponent of his special technique of ballet training. She had great poise, serenity and spiritual understanding, and eventually through her work brought a group of wonderful young dancers to Baba.
Kitty Davy gave piano lessons and lived with her parents and her brother Herbert at 32 Russell Road, Kensington, and it was there that Baba spent his first night in England; He also stayed there in 1932. Both were mystics and although Herbert Davy later left Baba, he loved Baba and did much work preparing for this visit. His first reaction was "You have never seen such a being." In her youth, Kitty had had many deep spiritual experiences. She is a woman of dynamic energy and never stops working for Baba. He said she was 'selfless.'
From the start Baba emphasized that, though England has an important part to play in his work, America would be the scene for the great spiritual upheaval, being the synthesis of so many races and because of its enormous energy which He could direct into the right channels. The link with America had already been formed by Meredith with Jean (afterwards called Adriel) and Malcolm Schloss. Meredith, being a mystic and poet of considerable talent, had been in correspondence with them in New York where they ran a book shop. So it came about that they were able to arrange a three weeks' stay for Baba at Harmon near New York, and to bring others such as Princess Norina Matchabelli and Elizabeth Patterson, both destined to do remarkable work for Baba, the latter in the future by establishing and running "Meher Centre on the Lakes."
From then onwards Baba made many visits to the West, and indeed encircled the globe many times. In different parts of the world, He stated emphatically over and over again, that He had come not to teach but to 'Awaken.'
In 1931 He said: "My coming to the West is not with the object of establishing a new creed or spiritual society or organization, but is intended to make people understand religion in its true sense . . . I intend to bring all religions together like beads on a string."
In 1932: "The religion I shall give teaches the knowledge of the One behind the many. The book I shall make people read is the book of the heart, which holds the key to the mystery of life . . . My work will embrace everything . . . It will permeate every phase of life Materialism and spirituality must go hand in hand . . ."
Having gone into Silence on July 10th 1925, Baba by now was using the alphabet board, but none of us felt the need for words, for to us He was ever familiar and spoke His silence to our souls. We found in Him NOT an austere Master but a being full of passion, of infinite love and humor and at the same time, great majesty and wisdom. He was beautiful with deep luminous eyes, and in those days had a halo of hair which at times showed a reddish tinge. His hands were strong yet sensitive. He gave the impression of perfect poise on all levels of consciousness.
Charles Purdom wrote in one of his articles for Everyman:
"It is sufficient to be in Hs presence to know the truth. He does not need to speak; He has the power of truth in Him . . . The way to truth is simple but it is very hard, for the way to know God is to know oneself, to face oneself in one's own inner consciousness and then renouncing everything, to let God flood the soul . . . Meher Baba is Master of one knowledge which is God, but that knowledge includes everything else . . . He has no doctrine, He is the living truth."
Through their life experiences, the story of how those early disciples were drawn by some extraordinary pull to go to East Challacombe, would make a book in itself. Only a perfect Master with His inner knowledge could have brought this about.
The scene at that remote farmhouse on the top of the hill in 1931, and again on Baba’s second visit in 1932, was reminiscent of the New Testament. The place was
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