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Complete surrender to the Divine Will of the Perfect One, an unflinching readiness to carry out his orders, rapidly achieve a result not possible even by rigidly practicing all the ethics of the world for a thousand years. The extraordinary results achieved by a Perfect Master are due to the fact that being one with the Universal Mind, he is present in the mind of every human being and can therefore give just the particular help needed to awaken the Highest Consciousness latent in every individual. Perfection, however, in order to achieve the greatest result on the material plane, must possess a human touch and a keen sense of humor.


I eternally enjoy the Christ State of Consciousness, and when I speak, which I intend doing in the near future, I shall manifest my true self.


Besides giving a general spiritual push to the whole world, I shall lead all those who come to me towards Light and Truth. This, in short, is my mission in the world.


The ability to perform miracles does not necessarily connote high spirituality. Anyone who has reached the Christ Consciousness can perform them. People must not come to me merely for help in their physical infirmities or for material purposes. I shall perform miracles when the time and the situation demand, and not to satisfy mere idle curiosity. Spiritual healing is by far the greatest healing, and this is what I intend to give. The Highest is latent in everyone, but is to be manifested.



Message given at a General Reception in Knickerbocker Hotel, Hollywood, California on May 31,1932.


Since arriving in America, I have been asked many times what solution I brought for the social problems now confronting you,— what did I have to offer that would solve the problems of unemployment, prohibition, crime, — that would eliminate the strife between individuals and nations and pour a healing balm of peace upon a troubled world?


The answer has been so simple that it has been difficult to grasp. I will elaborate it now in order that it may be more easily understood.


The root of all our difficulties, individual and social, is self-interest. It is this, for example, which causes corruptible politicians to accept bribes and betray the interests of those whom they have been elected to serve; which causes bootleggers to break, for their own profit, a law designed, whether wisely or not, to help the nation as a whole; which causes people to connive for their own pleasure, in the breaking of that law, thus causing disrespect for law in general and increasing crime tremendously; which causes the exploitation of great masses of humanity by individuals or groups of individuals seeking personal gain; which impedes the progress of civilization by shelving inventions which would contribute to the welfare of humanity at large, simply because their use would mean the scrapping of present, inferior equipment; which, when people are starving, causes the wanton destruction of large quantities of food, simply in order to maintain market prices; which causes the hoarding of large sums of gold when the welfare of the world demands its circulation.


These are only a few examples of the way sell-interest operates to the detriment of human welfare. Eliminate self-interest and you will solve all your problems, individual and social.


But the elimination of self-interest, even granting a sincere desire on the part of the individual to accomplish it, is not so easy and is never completely achieved except by the aid of a Perfect Master, who has the power to convey Truth at will. For self-interest springs from a false idea of the true nature of the Self and this idea must be eradicated and the Truth experienced, before the elimination of self-interest is possible.


I intend, when I speak, to reveal the One Supreme Self which is in all. This accomplished, the idea of the self as a limited, separate entity, will disappear and with it will




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