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Nilu and I sat awhile in Baba's room while music was played to Him. Baba knows that I really appreciate Indian music, and jokes about it with me.


8/11/193    Baba ticks me off quite a lot now, which I am glad about. I feel I like to be treated like the other boys, and have corners rubbed off; besides it makes me love Baba much more. He tells Nilu and me that we are fools and good for nothing, worthless. He tells us that all we do is no good — but I like it to be like that. Nargis seems to have a sort of hysterical illness, which causes a lot of trouble to everyone. I went for the first time today to the Minto eye hospital, and saw about 20 operations. Baba was giddy and liverish all yesterday, but a bit better today. He was very beautiful both yesterday and today, quiet and mysterious. Deshmukh, Nadia, Ghani and Norina all talked at a lecture in Bangalore Town Hall on Monday evening; it went off quite well. Before it, Baba told Deshmukh he would not let it be a total success, but would see that there was 50-50 opposition and sympathy. I dare say this did happen.


14/11/1939    A few days ago we all had to fill in forms stating our work and amusements, and giving suggestions. I suggested a game such as badminton, cricket, and as a joke, marbles in the compound. Of course Baba voted for marbles, and I have now been made secretary of the marble club with a budget of 10 rupees per month. Baba is President and Dr. Ghani, Kaka, Pendu, are other members of the Committee.


Nilu suggested sweets on holidays, and he is to be given two tablespoonfuls of sugar every holiday. Dattu asked to be allowed to see good pictures (meaning cinema) occasionally. Baba is letting him look at pictures of saints (a picture book). Baba very witty about it all.


Baba says the war will go on for another year at least and that the real war started on 11th, November. We in this house are to make 4,000 bandages, the other house to make 1,000. I don't know why, so we've been making machines to wind them on. As today is my birthday, and yesterday was Chanji's the Mandali was allowed 10 Rs. of sweets.


23/11/1939    Today Baba gave Behramshed a first class row because he complained about Merwan and his women not being cared for by Baba; Baba says he is annoyed because they are happy with Baba, while Behramshed is not with them; poor old Beheramsha, but he brings it on himself.


Baba is looking very handsome these days, with shining face and eyes. He was very pleased when I did my first appendix a few days ago, and said He was very proud of me. I was feeling pleased too myself about it. Baba sometimes praises me in front of others, and sometimes blames me in front them. I think the latter is the better compliment from Him.


On 26th November Baba goes off to the South with Kaka and Eruch, He says, to start the war or make peace. Jal K. and Gustadji also went. They returned 2/12/39 with two masts one of whom Baba says is on the 6th plane.


There has been a big crisis over the fact that the crops have not yet been cleared from the site of the centre. Today Norina and Chanji went to the Dewan, ending up with Baba's message, that He, Baba, is a Fakir, and therefore an Emperor and therefore will not mind giving up the whole scheme in two seconds. So tomorrow the Dewan goes to the site to make a fuss. Yesterday Chanji and Padri were so fed up about it all that they hoped the scheme would be chucked; but today there is more peace.


Nilu and I started on Aga Baidul's wife's teeth extractions today; no pain, so local anesthetic was O.K. Also S's first injections from the Bowring Hospital. Baba often looks




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