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I, MONTY by Dr. Marcus Bach. Illustrated, hard cover, 48. pp. $9.95
Island Heritage Ltd., 324 Kamani Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
This story of Monty, a Monarch butterfly, was inspired by a class of Mid-western children who actually observed the life cycle of a butterfly. An obvious allegory of life-death-reincarnation (or Christian resurrection?) of the human soul, it has its genuinely touching moments. Monty is all of us, exploring the mysteries of life's sudden entrances and exits. A shorter, less verbose text would have appealed more to children. Missing — a credit line for the talented artist. Dr. Bach is a well-known Christian theologian and has explored the "new religions" of our time.
Poems by Steve Klein, Paperback, 84 pp. $2.50
Meher Baba Foundation, Australia
It is only, Beloved, I cannot look for love elsewhere. Surely you are everywhere and everything, but when I look elsewhere I find at most, only your footprint, a whiff of your perfume, some trace of your passing, but you, yourself, elude me and the love I find seems a feeble shadow of the love I seek. It is only when I look directly at you with my heart that l begin to feel the love you've promised. And still I cannot see you everywhere or in everything, but once I've seen you, I can see nothing else anywhere.
MAN'S SEARCH FOR IDENTITY, by D. E. Stevens, Dodd, Mead, hardbound.
Pre-pub. price $7.50
Living through a problem:
If we do not develop the understanding and the tradition that will allow the aspiring individual to live through honestly and with prudence the major developmental problems of his present lifetime, then we will have failed to carry into practice one of the great examples Baba has given us. Firstly, he has shown us through his own actions his love for all human beings as well as his comprehension and oneness with problems that they must understand and dissolve. He has described to us in great detail the characteristics of perfection to which we will all arrive one day, but while giving us this picture for our guidance, he has cautioned us repeatedly on the manner of our progress.
Secondly, he has explained in unique detail for the first time the process by which the sanskaric "habit knots" are formed and then perpetuated in each of us, and the long careful process needed for their unknotting or annihilation. Yet, despite his personal example of love for those living honestly in their efforts to solve their problems, and despite his care in describing to us the mechanics of the forming and dispersing processes, we are all caught up at present in a storm of criticizing those who are honestly trying to live and understand their problems.
If we succumb to an attitude of rabid perfectionism in our judgments of those attracted to Baba, then we will have failed completely to comprehend one of the greatest examples he has left to us.
To live a problem is not to surrender to it. To live it is first honestly to recognize and own it. It is next to find the courage to bring it to the level of expression. It is thirdly to find the guardian principles of responsibility to others which contain the manner in which one brings the problem into action. It is fourthly the continuing and repeated surrender to Baba himself of what the nature of the eventual Truth may be. It is fifthly the courage to persevere in absolute trust of Baba that he is directing the course of that learning process and that within it one is finally responsible to Baba alone.
When it is done one has Truth, which is none other than Baba himself.
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