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O Parvardigar!
O Ocean of infinite mercy!
Baba, with great humility, implores You that You bestow upon him courage and help him so that he would not retrace his steps during the phase of Man-O-Nash. Forgive him for his trespasses due to weakness of his mind and give him such courage that he will never tell a lie, never hurt the feelings of anyone, will not do any injustice to anybody, and that he will not harass his companions who are serving him faithfully and wholeheartedly. And, bestow upon him such Grace that while abiding by all the conditions and fulfilling them, he brings about the end of the endless New Life in four months through the Man-O-Nash phase.
So there was a period of four months when we were travelling when Baba began the Man-O-Nash phase and came here; we had to recite the prayer here in the Man-O-Nash cabin. So you now see the conditions for such prayers. See how Baba became a seeker, see how He implores the Lord to help him.
On 16th October, 1951, the following five prayers were dictated by Baba in His Man-O-Nash phase at Khujja Gudda in Hyderabad (it's a place where He started this phase). These are the prayers for the different religions; they are in English and easily read out. Baba dictated them:-
To Krishna:
O Paramatma, in the Name of Your infinite greatness and in the Name of Your Beloved Avatar Krishna, and in the name of all Avatars and saints and of Your lovers, Meher Baba beseeches you to help him to carry out successfully his four month's work beginning from today, October 16, 1951, and asks You in all humility to have his desire fulfilled and the ultimate object achieved by February 16, 1952.
Now to Buddha:
O God, in the Name of Your infinite greatness and in the Name of Your beloved Avatar Buddha and in the Name of all the perfect ones and saints . . .
The same thing — mm? It is a heartfelt plea, where Buddha Himself is addressed as a seeker, as Baba addresses Himself in His past advents in the other prayers as well. Now, this is to Zoroaster:
O Ahura Mazda, in the Name of Your infinite greatness, and in the Name of Your beloved self, Zoroaster, and in the Name of all prophets and saints and your lovers, Meher Baba beseeches you . . .
And to Mohammed:
O Allah, in the Name of Your infinite greatness, and in the Name of Your beloved Mohammed, and in the Name of all prophets and saints and your lovers . . .
Then to Jesus:
O God, in the Name of Your infinite greatness, and in the Name of Your beloved son Jesus, and in the name of all prophets and saints and your lovers . . .
So these were the prayers when He began His Man-O-Nash work on the 16th of October, 1951, in Hyderabad at Khujja Gudda. And that prayer which I have translated as "Prayer for the Road during Man-O-Nash Wandering" may be said to have some bearing on the circumstances which initiated them.
Here's something for you, the "New Life" prayer:
Yesterday passed somehow —
Today passes by this way —
Who cares for tomorrow?
Or, colloquially, "to hell with tomorrow." Then he tells us, this is our prayer; he wants us to say:
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