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matter, the soul is continually dependent upon the finer realm of energy and thought and ultimately upon the transcendent divine consciousness. But it cannot freely live in these realms owing to its enslavement to the gross. It also cannot receive in any appreciable measure the renewal which the divine consciousness would pour upon it, owing to the resistance of the dense material plane upon which it lives. However, it is precisely these divine radiations, meager as they may be, which enable the matter-ridden soul to face its darkness and suffering and to make the effort to rise to the higher realms of energy and mind.



Ascent to the Realm of Energy


Weary of its slavery to the gross world, the individual soul finally comes to the decision to free itself from the enticing allurements of matter. In this moment of irrevocable decision, the soul cuts itself loose from the thralldom of gross cravings and ascends to the higher realm of energy. With reinforced will, the soul now prepares for a release of far greater vital force and vigor than was ever available to it in its bondage to the gross. The operations of the soul are more energetic and powerful and its active expressions are now free from the low-voltage of gross energy.



Effect of Ascent to the Realm of Energy


In this realm of energy, the increased capacity to receive the down-pouring of divine radiation gives to the soul a greater sense of spiritual power, larger measure of knowledge and a deeper degree of joy and fulfillment; but as yet these are only intermittent and fragmentary. The soul now continues to carry on its physical plane activities of eating, drinking and other automatic activities of physical life, but it is no longer a slave to the goading torment while engaged in doing them. Recrudescence of cravings in a milder form is still occasionally possible, but they now have no grip on the soul. It is, however, subject to new forms of restlessness and in desperate search for abiding peace, determines to ascend to the still higher mental sphere upon which the realm of energy ultimately depends for its very sustenance.



Ascent to the Mental Sphere


When the soul is consciously stationed in the mental sphere it does not cease to be engaged in physical actions, but these bodily activities are performed by the physical body purely automatically, without the soul participating in them in any way. In the mental sphere, the soul is not only free from the thralldom of physical cravings, but it is so completely indifferent to physical needs and activities that it neither wills them nor takes any notice of them. All bodily activities are then purely automatic and they occur through the momentum of the body itself. If the body of such a soul is not fed by some other person, it does not feel drawn to food or drink; but if food and drink are offered by others, the body automatically accepts them, without the soul being involved in the action.



In the Mental Realm Direct Reception of Divine Radiation is Possible


In the mental realm, the freedom, joy and understanding which the soul experiences, are all greatly enhanced, since the soul is now in direct contact with the transcendent divine consciousness. The bliss of the soul in this highest realm surpasses all the possible pleasures experienced in the realm of matter or the realm of energy. There is now absolutely no resistance to the direct infusion of the unceasing radiations of light, power, wisdom and bliss overflowing from the Godhead. The soul's happiness is unutterable; its vision undimmed; its power unrestrained; its peace undisturbed; and not even for a moment does its understanding suffer the slightest impairment. It knows no lack of any kind; it experiences continually the abundant life of God. However, all that the individual soul thus enjoys in the mental realm is not self-sustained, but is continually upheld by the never-failing emanations from the transcendent Godhead.


The soul is completely surcharged with the heavenly abundance which descends upon it from God; but it nevertheless experiences continuously its utter dependence




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