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took about seven color photos. I forgot to mention, as we walked at breakneck speed down the Hill, I followed Baba, stepping into His footprints every step. Often He would make gigantic steps, as if driven by an inner force to accomplish some task, impossible for us to partake. All we can do, is to follow Him. Then all of a sudden that force, which seemed to drive Him, stopped and He would glide slowly over the ground. On the way up, we sat down, under a tree, all around Baba, who told us to catch the stones He threw at us. Then abruptly He got up, walked some distance and picked up some stones, which He, after some time standing completely still, tossed towards the West. I did not count the stones, but someone said there were seven.


Baba, all the women and men went through the same procedure as in the morning, of showing us around. Baba requested that some pictures should be taken of Him and the women. The women, after having seen the Hill, were then taken away by car. We went into the assembly and living room. Baba sat on the sofa and urged us to be natural and drop our reserves. He said, "Be friends with each other and don't let anger or excitement flare up. Play, - be happy - fly kites - play marbles. Don't  think of America,  Australia, and England, live right here in the present." He than emphasized that we should take care of our health, eat well, rest well. "Do not go out into the sun, without headgear. Go to the village or Ahmednagar, be happy - joyful, healthful. Tomorrow I will give each one of you 15 minutes and show you how My work is to be done. Relax! - ! Be happy - !" Much of the conversation is lost in the sea of Love which flows from Baba, the mind becomes still and the soul is bathing in this ocean of Divine Love – O BABA!


We were ordered to go out, have our lunch and forget our differences. Though we were not aware of any differences, Baba surely knew what He meant by this remark. While we were eating lunch, I noticed Baba's car was back again and in a little while I saw Him in the distance. My hand went up in greeting and He immediately waved at me. He then sat at the other end of the table and "spoke" to all on His board, but being so far off, I could not hear, and I was longing to be at the other end of the table. Hardly I was finished thinking this, than Baba was with me, at my end of the table. Someone asked if it was alright to play cards. Baba said: "There are Masters who do not permit their disciples to smoke in their Master's presence, they are not allowed to behave naturally and therefore are not free. I am in all of you, if you play, eat, smoke or sleep, it is also I who does these things." I spoke to Baba about Mildred Kyle and He said He had received Elizabeth's cable. He cautioned us to be very careful and watch out for our health and happiness. He told us, that at 5 p.m., we all would be taken to a handicraft shop, where the poor are making handbags, etc., from sisal, and from there we would be taken to the old Ahmednagar Fort. After visiting these places in the afternoon, we came home, finished our notes, had dinner and went to bed. The sunset that evening, which we all witnessed, was so beautiful, it is impossible even to describe the color formation of clouds and landscape.



September 15th, 1954 - written September 16th.


It is a day after the date given above. In yesterday's excitement and anguish, waiting for my turn to see my Master, I did not get to do my writing. Baba came in a rush, almost took us by surprise at 8:45 a.m. Baba solicitously inquired of everyone how he was, and if there was anything wanted. He then held a long discourse about the God-Man, whose span of life soon will be terminated, any hour, or day, or month. Having concluded His address at 9:50 a.m., He requested that Will Backett be called in to see Him. Naturally, we all waited in the community hall, while Baba and Will were closeted in Will's bedroom, which is located on the ground floor. It has two beds, for Charles Purdom and Will Backett. Will returned at 10:20 a.m. and asked Charles Purdom to see Baba. Malcolm Schloss was called, then John Bass, Darwin and my turn came at 11:37 am. When I entered the room, Baba stood almost towering at the door, His arms stretched out wide, with gladness and love in His eyes. He closed me into a tight embrace, tears choked my throat, all I could gasp was: "BABA-BELOVED BABA, MY GOD!" My tears flowing, blinding my eyes and mind, Gladness, Joy, Bliss, Love for Him, who received me, this unworthy one, with joy and Love. He led me by the shoulder to the




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