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Greetings, L.A. Lovers! From The Mandali


Taped in India, 1982, by Chris Pearson







Jai Baba! Baba lovers of Los Angeles. It's a great pleasure for me now to say a few words to be carried to your own place. It was not too long ago that I was there and we had a number of sittings when we thought of Baba. We talked about Baba and discussed Him, and listened to each other. The memories are so vivid with me. I pray to Beloved Baba that all we discussed may be helpful to you if you adhere and try to bring into your life and practice the conclusions we arrived at. They are very simple; I need not repeat them here, and those conclusions really directly relate to our life. As I always say, Meher Baba is not theory, but He is our life. He covers our entire life, not this life, but many lifetimes of the past and lifetimes of the future that are to come. He is the Master for all time and we are very fortunate to have come into contact with Him and to come within His orbit of love. Again, with folded hands I pray to Him that He may bless us all. We are all writing in the same book. Maybe somebody has a long contact with Meher Baba or maybe somebody didn't have the opportunity to see Him. It makes no difference because Meher Baba is not only man, He is also God, and with that aspect of Him which is final, it has a bearing in everybody’s life. One should not worry as long as he loves and keeps Meher Baba pleased. I think the battle of his life is won by Him and may He bless us all.





Jai Baba to all you Baba lovers and give our love to all Los Angeles Baba lovers. Baba is always with you, don't forget that, and remember Him. Whenever you call Him, He is there. Take His Blessings and love. Jai Baba.




Greetings to Baba lovers! Jai Baba, dears! Hope you're doing well. I know of your news. Hope you do good work there and bring more Baba lovers to Baba. Bring more Baba lovers and go on doing good work. Baba will help you. Jai Baba.





On meeting Baba, they took Mani in first. Ruano and Quentin went to see Baba in this funny little hotel. I mean, opposite the door of Baba's room was a sort of stairs. There were no chairs, nothing, and the hall was very dim. So I just sat on the stairs waiting my turn, getting more and more nervous by the minute. At last the door opened and someone said, "Come in." To this day I don't know who was in the room with Baba. I remember seeing myriads of people but no clear faces. I saw only Baba on that couch with the most radiant expression. The most beautiful expression of sweetness and the love, ahh, I think I must have sat there, gazed at Him. I just don't know what happened. I was so entranced just looking at Baba. The next thing I knew, I was outside in the hall, and, knowing how Baba does things, after I gazed at Him, He probably said, "Take her out." Somebody finally took me by the arm. I don't know how I got out. I don't know how I left the room. All that night, Baba's face was in my mind's eye. I said, "Ah, this is Baba."





Jai Baba, Filisji, and all of His lost angels. This is Mansari. Hope all of you are happily swimming in His ocean. We wish you all a Merry Christmas, a very happy New Year and a very cheerful Mehermas. All through the years, may He hold us and give us the strength to cling fast to Him like the bogies to




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