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walking. I knew there was a trickle of water there crossing the road ahead; and, as everyone in India knows, the reaction of Indian Bhang is such that a drop of water appears to be an ocean. So that intoxicated fellow stopped, thinking that there was a big stream right across the road—he actually experienced that trickle of water as a big stream and he wanted to jump over it! He tried his best to cross it with a long jump, but he jumped so hard he broke his leg. Then he cried, 'Now I am in hell!'


"So both these heaven and hell states are there, they are experienced, but they don't exist. They are part of maya."


Don then read "The Law of Karma" a second time, and Baba asked him again to give us the gist of it. Don replied: "Baba, I understand from this that it is quite true that the entire universe is governed by laws. The material world may be less understandable in terms of being governed by laws, but the whole universe is governed by law, just like a good business."


Baba said: "Although the whole universe is Illusion, yet it is governed by a Law, a definite law; and that law deals with every detail. We cannot escape from the law of karma. But when we transcend illusion, the law does not bind us any longer."


Adi said: "Such an One becomes free."


Baba continued: "Krishna said the same thing to Arjuna. 'Kill your relatives, kill your friends, in the battle of Kurukshetra. You must have heard about that famous battle. Arjuna refused, saying, 'How can I kill my own masters? How can I kill my own kith and kin?' Krishna then said 'I am above the law. The whole creation is from Me, has come out of Me. Obey Me and you will not be bound.'


"If, here and now, I tell you, there is an ant, and suddenly Don kills it, of course, a binding is then created—the impression of the act of killing. You cannot be free from that binding. You are bound because you killed one ant.


"Every action that you do binds you, every action—every little action, whether good or bad. The good action also binds you, but you are bound then, let us say, by a chain of gold. And if the actions are bad, then you are bound, say, by a chain of steel.


"Christ said, 'Leave all and follow Me.' What did that mean?"




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