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through isms. You are welcome to choose your own path with your leader. But you should not go back and forth. All should join in any joint Baba project."
Meherji asked: "What's wrong with attending a meeting now and then?"
Baba answered: "They can go. But it usually creates some misunderstanding. In your body, everything belongs to you . . . arms, hands, but however hard you try, you cannot strangle yourself with your own hands. You cannot do it. Don, you explain."
Don rose and said, "Baba says, each of us has our own two hands, our own two arms. Have you ever felt your own hands would strangle you? They may try but they cannot. They could only strangle another person."
Baba continued: "John Bass is My left hand, Ivy is My right hand and all of you My throat! So how can these two hands throttle Me! Is it possible? Suppose there is a red ant, it's possible the right hand might slap the left hand in killing it . . .
"What about Elizabeth? To what group does she belong? Yet she may be loving Me even more than any group heads, or those working in certain groups. There may be greater lovers of Baba than the group heads; that is not to be judged. Yet, someone who does not belong to any group, may be the greatest lover of all!
"What I want is love, and to make others know about truth . . . what I say about truth and love for humanity. So naturally, you have groups and offices. Everything should be done in harmony. Each group should cooperate with each other. If someone belongs to the Sufis today, and wants to join John Bass' group, he can do so, but if he then tells John his group is hopeless, useless, and goes back to the Sufis and condemns John's group, the grace of My love is set aside. I don't like backbiting, criticism, confusion, which creates misunderstanding and confusion . . . if you want to change groups, do it, but do not keep going back and forth."
Sam Cohen asked: "Suppose one feels that meditating by oneself is service? I like to visit the Monday group, but not all the time."
To which Baba replied: "I would like you all to belong to certain
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