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that there was enough material to produce ten different films. They started fighting over every word — Maya — no Maya etc., — words suggested by Baba Himself. And we all learned two words from them — Box Office! They thought only of box office appeal. The theme was such they did not want it at all.


I really got a little fed up and I told Baba it was not possible. We would not get it produced. The theme was so diluted, so simplified by them that it had lost its aroma, it had lost its theme, it would become some mere box office story . . .


And that is what I knew of Hollywood during our one month's stay. The film project was entirely given up; that was in 1934-5.


Now Gabriel Pascal became much involved — he had met Baba in Zurich in 1934. Later on, in July, 1952, he again came in contact with Baba, at Hartsdale,* New York, where Baba was staying after the accident. Something was again discussed with him about the film. With that, came a temporary end to the project.


Now about the Chart, I want to tell you a very important thing. That Chart was folded and kept along with Baba's Book — that most important unpublished Book, of which, right in the beginning when He was writing it, I had read two pages. I did not grasp the importance of that Book then at all, and I do not even remember what it contained, but beyond those two pages, Baba did not allow me to read anything at all. And that bunch of papers that were to be the future publication of that important Book were, I think, put in some bank vault in the United States, some American Bank. From there it was removed to a bank in Bombay; from there it was removed to a bank in Ahmednagar. I know that bank very well. And afterwards that Book and that Chart were altogether removed from there and since then we do not know where it is.


When Eruch asked Baba about the Book, not long before He dropped the body, Baba gestured His sign for "hat" or topee — "solar hat" as we call it — that was Baba's gesture for Britishers, and all Westerners, including Americans. Eruch took it that the book was in America. And still we do not know. As you see, we were perfectly incompetent . . . in the presence of the perfect competence of Baba!


Peter Townshend asked, "So the Book is lost?" Adi replied: "It is not lost, it can be said to be lost, it is there somewhere, but we don't know where."


With this "surprise" ending we end our not-yet-ended tale of "The Illusory Film Project." Though the project was finally dropped, after many years, by the Master, it still has potential. As Kitty Davy says: "In Baba's time it will be done. I see no signs of it being dead. During the last twenty-five years while being in touch with so many of the present generation, the interest in film techniques and production is very much alive." Purdom, too, said, in the Sixties:


"The film will be. And will be done with Baba's inner direction and help. It will be the product of the combined lovers . . .Maybe in the form of a great human love story, a story of great adventure, of struggle, of challenge, of achievement. Who knows? But it will incorporate the Divine Truths as first laid down by Baba in 1934."


And, undoubtedly, will spawn many other films. After all, the Master Illusionist has never written "Finis" to His Divine Scenario.


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Baba said to a well-known movie director:


"If you read God Speaks, you will have a wider view of the spiritual panorama of the Divine Drama, which reveals the secret of Creation. The entire Creation is a 'game of love' or 'Lila' which God enjoys at His own cost.


"In the motion picture industry you should also introduce the spiritual truths, but do so gradually — this is the need of the time. If you become successful in this, it will be profitable both ways to you — materially and spiritually. While directing or producing such films, however, keep always in your mind that, except God, everything is illusion. Then the "works" will not bind you, and the heart will become more and more pure and able to reveal God's Treasure."


*The house Baba stayed in is in Scarsdale, not Hartsdale. Filis used to get off of the train at the Hartsdale Station (so she thought she was in that town) instead of the Scarsdale Station which is on the other side of town. 14 Cohawney Rd, where Baba stayed, is just across the train tracks from the Hartsdale station, but in Scarsdale so once she crossed the tracks, she was then in Scarsdale but she apparently did not realize it. (refer to a map of Scarsdale)-webmaster




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