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Similarly, I am God and I need not assert the same, as it is quite natural. On the spiritual path hypocrisy is the only sin. Be honest. You are your own curtain. Realization is such an easy thing and yet you make it so difficult. You are already God! Who binds you? Your mind. When you sleep you are free but not conscious of it. When you get up all this paraphernalia gathers round you. You must be wide awake in your sound sleep. Garlanding and bowing down is not enough. If you want God you must want Him at the cost of your life."
**One young girl was asked by Baba to sing. Seeing the crowd, she felt shy and would not sing. Baba said, "Don't feel nervous; in this room only Baba is present!"
**The Calcutta group had come for darshan. After the darshan was over, Baba asked them what arrangements they had made for their board and lodging. He advised them not to eat any food in the shops and to avoid going into the city, as many infectious diseases were rampant at that time. He then said, "One who experiences that rotten food is also Me; even if he eats it nothing will happen to him. The masts eat anything or even starve for years but nothing happens to them. Their surrenderance is so complete that God takes care of them."
**One day Baba said, "When your mind and heart get clean, one embrace from a Perfect Master is enough. During an embrace people become emotional. This is because old impressions surge up and want to get worked out. When I embrace, I give something which grows later into divine love."
**Baba said, "You should try to go to sleep soundly but with full consciousness. But for that to happen 'YOU' must go. This is possible only through love. Think of Me more and more."
** "I am the Lord of the Universe, and when I give up My body the world will recognize Me."
**Once He said, "The fun is that though every individual is meant to be happy, because the all-blissful God is seated within him, yet he suffers and is miserable. Once God enters your heart, the bliss is indescribable. The greatest worldly happiness is the seventh shadow of this bliss."
**One Air Force official asked for a private interview. Baba said, "the 'final interview' is completed in a split second. When you get this interview you come to know everything. All other interviews have no importance."
** "Service done without thought of self is love for God."
**Once Baba and only the mandali were sitting in a room in Guruprasad. Baba asked one of them to whistle. This fellow tried but failed. Baba then asked another to whistle and he also failed. Baba and all were having a good laugh at the expense of these fellows, when suddenly one mandali whistled unasked for. Baba got annoyed and said, "I come down to your level to amuse you, but you cannot take advantage of this. You do not understand the significance of this whistling." The rascal was promptly sent away to Meherabad the very next day.
**One day the subject of the conversation drifted to lust. Baba said. "Lust means a craze. Some have the lust for power, some, lust of the senses, etc. The whole creation came out of lust. The first whim was lustful. God had intercourse with Himself through the Om Point, and the creation was the result of this act." He then asked me whether a mother's love for her child is really love or lust I said, "Love". Baba then explained, "No, even a mother's love for her child is lust. Because in love there can never be satisfaction; there is a continual longing and agony till union occurs. In lust there is
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