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first to come forward was a feeble little old man; he had to be helped on to the stone seat round the large tree where Baba's ministrations were taking place. He was pitifully aware of the inadequacy of his attire, and gave several little tugs to his old shirt in a vain attempt to lengthen it. I felt I wanted to pat him on the back and tell him that God loved him far more than those who despised him. I think Baba felt the same way as he gave him a reassuring touch on his chin. The women came after the men, as is the Indian custom, and I noticed that some of them were distinctly overcome with emotion. I wondered how much they could understand of the spiritual significance of Baba's work. It was a most poignant occasion for me.
At Pimpalgaon, there was an opportunity to ask questions, for Baba was at leisure, without visitors. So now was my chance.
"Baba!" I said boldly, "Where do the 'Flying Saucers' come from?"
Baba's face relaxed into a broad smile. "I would not answer that question for anybody, but to you only! They do not come from another planet . . .”
The rest of the answer, I feel, should not be given out at present, but as books are being published to prove that the "Saucers" come from Venus, etc., this part of the explanation can be given.
Next question: "Baba! How old is Adam? "
Baba again smiled. “If I answer that the first man to come on this earth was 84 million years ago, what would that mean to you? But if the whole explanation will make you understand — about the first man evolved, and that this first evolved man has been repeatedly, millions of times, not only on this earth, but has appeared on millions of earths, and so is ageless, timeless — this has to be explained properly; and if Ramjoo, my disciple, has kept a diary, he might find out the explanation! The book which I have personally written when I had just stopped speaking and which I wrote in one year* — (and which now lies in — Bank, to be touched only when I order) explains this point clearly. It is important for the world and the scientists to know, and therefore I have explained, — about cycles; about the position of the earth for Realization; about the earth dying, and the simultaneous evolution of another earth (not any other planet) . . .”
"When the first human being evolved, first Realized being . . . whether 'egg comes first or chicken,’ etc., etc . . . all has been written in detail in that book . . ."
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