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“This reminds Me that from the day I stopped speaking, I stopped touching money. I don't touch money, but it comes and goes. Disciples from the East and the West give money, but I touch money only when I give to the Masts and to the poor people on special occasions. I then take money in My hand to give them. Sometimes I have distributed grains. But the important thing is that I must wash their feet and bow down before handing over the gift. As I told you yesterday, I do not only play the part but become that. You must have heard and read years back that there were a dispensary, a hospital, an ashram for the boys, a leper asylum and a Mast asylum for the God-mad. I supervised the boys, lepers, Masts, and washed their clothes, cleaned their latrines; not for show or humility, but I became that. The people of this village are very dear to Me. You will see how they live in mud houses. I say this because yesterday Frank and Ben were seen going towards the village, and I sent a message that they were not to go. You must be fit for the 29th and 30th. But I thought these men, women and children are dear to Me and why not let you see them? I have no time Myself nowadays even to take a bath; I have not had My hair washed for three months. I have no time and no sleep.


“At the meetings, people are coming from all parts of India and Pakistan who love Me. This is My last meeting, and I want to say some things that will last till I come back in 700 years. So be fit and in the mood to listen.


"Maharaj had told Yeshwantrao that Merwan is Parabrahman, which means 'God beyond.’ ‘So do whatever Merwan tells you to do,' He said. As I told you I did not sleep for nine months. Then I was with Maharaj till one or two o'clock in the night, and went to a small hut nearby and Yeshwantrao was there with Me. He would press My feet and give Me betel leaves. I did not eat, but every five minutes asked for 'pan' (betel leaves). He could not sleep because I did not sleep. For seven years this man served Me with such love as is rarely found. When the atmosphere that I have described existed, it was Yeshwantrao who was the target of these Brahmins for attending me. But Yeshwantrao was adamant. He obeyed Maharaj by obeying Me, so he was put to great suffering, physically and mentally. Now the atmos­phere is clear. He does not remind anyone of the old days. It is as if he has forgotten everything. He helps them with corn and money. Yeshwantrao has now Maharaj and Baba as one in his heart. The refreshments you had there were provided by his help.




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