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Nowadays, Baba is rarely in the mood for spiritual talks which we long for so much and, if Baba is in the mood and his mood is spoilt, then it is too bad."


I do not think at this period we thought of Baba as our Master or ourselves as disciples. Baba was our ideal friend with something Divine and spiritual about him.


I mentioned earlier that Baba stayed only three days in London on his first visit in 1931 and then left for the Retreat at East Challacombe where many had gathered with Meredith to await Baba's arrival.


Meredith had made preparations for Baba to stay six months or a year. Baba stayed ten days, returning later for a second visit of ten days. If you had asked Baba the reason he would no doubt have answered, "My work is done. Why stay longer?" It is always work first with Baba—but Baba's work brought us hours of intense joy and happiness.


I recall the time in London when Baba said he would like to go to the British Museum. He wanted us all to go with him. We arrived at the Museum expecting to spend an hour or more looking around. Baba led the way, and we walked rapidly through room after room, glancing left and right at the showcases, only to quickly pass on again, down the aisles, and finally, out of the main door and then home by taxi, having spent less than fifteen minutes in the biggest of all museums. Baba can be in a "great hurry" sometimes!


If I recall correctly, I took Baba and his men Mandali one evening to the House of Commons, Westminster. We had a pass, and were allowed in. A debate was in progress, so we remained standing at the door. I believe Baba signed his name in the visitor's book,*—I think we all signed and then left.


The days at the English Retreat were given over almost entirely to interviews, with periods for meditation and cross-country walks with Baba in the afternoons. Also, on this occasion, Baba had brought with him his Indian drums and his Eastern group played other Indian musical instruments. So, on one or two afternoons, we enjoyed Eastern music and Western, the latter played on the gramophone.


During the meditation hours, Baba called a few of the group to sit with him,


*I checked on this through the House of Commons who said the building the book was in was destroyed during the WWII bombings.-Webmaster-2003




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