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allowing us to talk only in whispers so as not to disturb those meditating in other parts of the garden; no doubt being with Baba was a meditation. Anyway, Baba in no way interfered with Meredith's schedule.
We did meditate from time to time in India, especially if Baba were away. But, what Baba stressed to us most was to focus the mind on him in everything we did and to think constantly that everything we did was for him and not for self.
On one occasion in Nasik, India, when we were given an hour's meditation, daily with individual instructions, Baba gave us also an extra five minutes, not for meditation, but just as Baba put it, "a looking within." "Close the eyes and imagine yourself 'Infinite within' for five minutes, you can imagine the Infinite as sky, as ocean, or vast space, or complete emptiness.”
Another time, Baba would sit with us on the lawn and give us thirty minutes "in silence." This we loved.
Whatever Baba gave us to do, the goal was to bring us closer to God. Like Brother Lawrence, we were practicing to live continually in the Presence of God, and prayer truly became the uplifting of the soul to God.
Baba demands a very high standard of work from all who serve him and, when our imperfect work, the result of carelessness, misunderstanding or disobedience, gave him so much unnecessary trouble, we would say, "Baba, why didn't you choose one among your group who could do something perfect for you?"
Baba would reply, "I have chosen you all and can work with both your good and bad points."
But it was our very weaknesses that drew us day by day closer in love to Baba. He was so patient, so forgiving, so full of understanding, his love so unchanging and Infinite.
I give you one or two incidents in illustration:
Baba, with his party of six from India, had just arrived by boat in Venice and was staying overnight at the Hotel Internationale before continuing his journey to Paris. He had sent for me and M. C. to meet him in Venice.
Just as we were leaving the following afternoon for Paris, half the luggage already on the train, Baba turned to me and said, "You have the seven passports?"
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