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out the title of a book, the rest guessing the title. Baba joined with Mehera. They stood by a table covered with a white cloth. Baba removed the cloth with a flourish of his arm and the table was empty. "And Then There Were None," was the title.


Soon, Baba is off again down the hill accompanied by Masi, our gatekeeper, and she runs beside him with quick little steps (she is short and plump), as she carries the remainder of the cake on a platter and tries to keep pace with Baba, who, umbrella in hand, is leading the way. Halfway down the hill Baba is met by one of the mandali, who are all impatiently waiting for their share in Baba's birthday. Baba proceeds with unperturbed pace across the railway tracks to the men's quarters; it is now their turn, and Baba, no doubt, joins in a game of volley ball. No rest for Baba, on this day or any day!


Back again around eventide, Baba returns to us tired but happy, and the day closes with a few spiritual songs on the gramophone. Lastly, Arti is performed with lighted camphor, as we sing the "Song of Worship."


And so, we see, not one moment of the day does Baba spend alone. Unless in seclusion, Baba is never, never alone, nor does he seem to want to be. How often many of us long at times to get away from people. They bore us or they tire us. "Why can't we ever be alone?" Not so Baba. He is with humanity always. Such has been the pattern of the twenty or more years I've known Baba.


It is a fact, noticed by many, that rarely do we get through such a day as above described without Baba bringing up a crisis of some kind, individual or collective; but these are, I believe, a definite aspect of Baba's inner work, for the energy manifested by those present is used by him as well as the incident being also a training ground for those involved. Although momentarily depressing, yet, in a curious way, such crises bring one closer to Baba.


There is no doubt Baba can be very irritating at times, pretending not to hear what one says or pretending he does not understand your mumbling and asking you to repeat again and again. Teasing one about nothing! All because he wants to try and upset you for his own reasons. These little games of moods he plays with us all




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